Well my friends and fellow Lions, I want to thank you for all of your support over the past year. I am very proud that we were again the recipients of the best club of the year in the District for the third straight year. It happened because of all of your hard work. I am looking forward to assisting the incoming president, Lion Bob Brewer this year. Please give him all of the same support that you gave me over the past year.
Incoming Lion President Bob Brewer
Thanks, I think, for selecting me as your Lion President for 2015-2016. I am looking forward to a busy and productive year. As many of you know, there are a few things that I really want to deal with so that we are all more comfortable with where we are going, and that is the issue of having and managing a budget so that we really know what we can afford to do and so that we are ready for our major fundraisers, our annual crab feeds. Thanks to all of you and Past President Pancho, we had a great 2014-2015 and I am looking forward to more of the same this year.
We had a busy June and have a busy summer to look forward to as well. A few of our members supported the Pride of Laguna’s annual Brewfest on the 5th at the Laguna Town Hall. Also, as usual, our cooking crew did a great job at our monthly pancake breakfast for the Senior Center. We were busy all that same day with the Spotlight at the Ranch. We assisted with parking and we also cooked ribs, burgers and dogs for them. With our help, I think this was the most successful Spotlight in years. Thanks to all of you you assisted and especially to Lion Joe for being the lead.
We also had a lot of fun at our recent installation dinner. Lion Dave Johnson handled the installation of officers and Lion Pancho & Lion Warren and crew did a great job with the Prime Rib with all the fixings
One final thing to keep in mind this month is that dues are due by the end of the month. If you can pay at the June 22nd meeting that would be great so that we can pay the first half of our insurance for the year. The dues are still $80.
That is all for now. See you on the 22nd.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays (except November & December)
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Elk Grove Lions Jack Edwards Receiving the Melvin Jones Award
Tom Anderson and Shauna Ono at the Installation Dinner
Lion Weaver taking a break, visiting with Lion Johnny Zehnder Sr.
Lion Dave Johnson and newly inducted Elk Grove Lion President Bob Brewer
Lion Dave Johnson with Outgoing President Pancho and Incoming President Bob
Dues:Time is coming for our annual dues. As you remember, they are $80 per year. Just so you know, $25 goes to MD4, $43 goes to LCIF and $12 is kept by the club. That $12 per member goes into the admin fund. It is not enough to pay our annual insurance bill, which is why we are always looking for a way to bring in admin funds.
We should probably discuss dues at an upcoming board meeting.
Don’t wait until June 30th to pay your dues. You can pay them at the end of this month or you can pay them at the June 22nd dinner meeting.
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support. He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at 8347 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 123, just north of Calvine Road.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
Lion Andy Anderson
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Lion Bill Kirkland, Lion Jim Parino
Cooks List
June 22 – Lion David Ogden
July 13 – Past Pres BBQ – Lion Pancho
July 27 – Lion Lorene F
August 10 – Lion Brad D
August 24 – Lion Dianne E.
Board Minutes
Board Meeting Agenda
June 8, 2015
Call to order Lion President: Francisco “Pancho” Sanchez 7:00pm
President: Francisco Sanchez
Secretary: Jim Switzgable
1st VP: Robert Brewer
Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Ray Martinez
Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
3rd VP: Taka Blackburn
Treasurer: Fred Handley
Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika
2-Year Director: David King
1-Year Director: Warren Weaver
2-Year Director: John Muegge
1-Year Director: William Hibbard
Membership Director: Dan Pearson
Imm Past Pres: John Zehnder Jr.
Other Lions Present:
Joe Tallerico
Marv Neill
Tom McDaniel and his daughter
Andy Anderson
Dave Ogden
Bob Shipley, Troop 59
Secretary Report by Lion Secretary Jim Switzgable: Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion Bob Brewer and second by Lion John Zehnder Jr;
Lion John Zehnder, Jr moved to accept Treasurer’s report with Lion Dan Pearson seconding;
Correspondence: (see folder)
Thank you cards students getting support for buying their animals at the Sacramento County Fai
Committee Updates
Eyesight: Dave King
Voucher for one adult and an exam for adult. Dr E will work Sight Van at Kohl’s Child Spree.
Assets: Don Thompson
Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:
Date Chairman Notes
Sheldon HS Senior Breakfast
L Warren Weaver
Co-chair was not spotted. Donation of $500 from the Senior class to the Lions Club. We served 350.
Elk Grove FFA Breakfast
L Andy Anderson
Served 425. Went off well
Buyers Breakfast at Sac Cty Fair
L Warren Weaver
We don’t know what the buyers are doing because the chairman doesn’t want further description in the event name. Served 750 of these buyers along with some non-buyers spotted in the crowd.
Adreani Elementary School Pancake Breakfast
L Joe Tallerico
Served 453 kids. Challenge to keep up with their needs but Joe reports it went well.
Elk Grove High School Senior Sunset Dinner
L Warren Weaver
Served a lot of Seniors
Senior Day in the Park
L Bob Brewer
Executed smoothly. 46 vendors supplied information to the Senior Center members.
New Business: Motion Second Approval
Request for equipment and labor for providing bar service for Strauss fundraiser June 19th. Strauss will reimburse EG Lions for all expenses. Event runs from 6pm – 10pm. Asking Lions to setup / cleanup the bar and serve margaritas, mixed drinks, beer, water, soda, cups, misc supplies. Bar is on the patio. Liquor license and security have been obtained.
L John Zehnder, Jr motions for Elk Grove Lions Club to provide labor and equipment and money for the alcohol not to succeed $500
L Jack Edwards
Hold a tri-tip drive thru fundraiser for Strauss on September 30th. The Senior Center has not yet been reserved. They are also requesting a donation of $500 to defray food costs.
LDave King motions to provide cooking and equipment for this event on September 30th. Also provide up to $500 towards the food.
L Dan Pearson
Request from Troop 59 for matching fund for the Will Stodden Scholarship for Nate Garcia, Eagle Scout, who has met all of the required items for this award. The troop has approved the troop’s $500, and now requests the Lions Foundation matching amount of $500. Bob Shipley will be at the meeting to represent Troop 59.
L John Zehnder Jr moves to support request as supplied.
L Sharon Mika
Run4Hunger request for volunteer support. Looking for parking and street closure attendants. Diane Hollingshead is on the Food Bank Board and submitted the request for support June 27th.
Volunteers can reach out to Diane
Request from Lion Tom McDaniel and Mandy Tovar (daughter) for End of Watch fundraiser. She is a 911 dispatcher for Elk Grove Police and heading this End of Watch fundraiser which primarily supports families of Elk Grove Police but will support other families of police lost in the line of duty. Supported the funerals of two officers lost last year in the Sacramento area. October 10th event at Lent Ranch asking us to cook and tend bar. They only ask for prep and serving of food and tend bar. Tom McDaniel will chair but we need a good backup chairperson, Billy.
Motion by Lion Jim Switzgable to cook Tri-tip and Chicken and bartend on October 10th from 6pm to 10pm.
Lion Bob Brewer
Weld chain and stop bar on cargo container, chain and padlock so back door can’t be open and don’t have to back trailer right against the storage container and better securing equipment in the trailer. – Lion Bill Hibbard. Lion John Z, Jr asks for Billy to estimate cost so Board can vote.
Upcoming Events:Date Location Chairman
Senior Center Breakfast
Senior Center of Elk Grove
L Don ThompsonL Jim Switzgable
Spotlight at the Ranch: BBQ & Country Bands
Mosher Ranch
L Joe Tallerico
Installation Dinner
Senior Center of Elk Grove
L Bob Brewer
Community Campout Dinner
Elk Grove Park
L Bob Brewer
Community Campout Breakfast
Elk Grove Park
L Bob Brewer
Kohl’s Child Spree
Kohl’s – Bruceville Rd
L Jim Switzgable
Strauss Festival Parking
7/23 – 26
Elk Grove Park
L Dave King
Good of the Order:
Adjournment: 8:55 PM
Board Meeting
June 8, 2015
Call to order Lion President: Francisco “Pancho” Sanchez after Foundation meeting
President: Francisco Sanchez
Secretary: Jim Switzgable
1st VP: Robert Brewer
Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Ray Martinez
Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
3rd VP: Taka Blackburn
Treasurer: Fred Handley
Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika
2-Year Director: David King
1-Year Director: Warren Weaver
2-Year Director: John Muegge
1-Year Director: William Hibbard
Membership Director: Dan Pearson
Imm Past Pres: John Zehnder Jr.
Other Lions Present:
Joe Tallerico
Marv Neill
Andy Anderson
Dave Ogden
Secretary Report by Lion Secretary Jim Switzgable:
Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Fred Handley :
Correspondence: (see folder)
Committee Updates
Membership: Dan Pearson
Sunshine: Fred Handley
Visitation: Sharon Mika
June 2nd – Rio VistaJune 11th – Fair Oaks
Eyesight: Dave King
Assets: Don Thompson
Old Business / Chairman’s Reports: Notes
L Rick Schriver has volunteered to take over Cook List administrator from L Dave King.
Volunteers get first choice. September and October are spoken for. Get with Rick to reserve your dinner responsibility in the new year beginning in July.
New Business: Motion Second Approval
Request from Matthew Oberholtz / Obe Ski School who is holding the 2015 Disabled World Water Ski Championship in Elk Grove on September 20 – 27. He is looking for in-kind donations from the Elk Grove Lions Club. We helped him hold the 2012 Disabled US Nationals by providing food during the event. He would like to work with us again. L Don Thompson to investigate.
A reminder to all EG Lions to submit your annual dues for $80. Make out your check to “Elk Grove Lions Club” and submit to our PO Box or bring to the meeting and submit to the Secretary.
Upcoming Events:Date Location Notes
Installation Dinner
Senior Center of Elk Grove
$30 per ticket. L Bob Brewer is chair
Annual BBQ for 70 – 80 people. Menu being planned
Shortline Lake
L Don Thompson to chair.
Good of the Order:
Adjournment: 9:00 PM
Items to address during our next Board Meeting:
Having some fun events next year
Getting the bottom 23 EG Lion members to volunteer at events (cumulative represent 100 hours , 21 events for the entire year)
Perhaps having our club complete a CEP so we can learn what it is members want to do
This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at jack.edwards@surewest.net or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: Bob Brewer 686-7084
Secretary: Rick Schriver 425-3865
Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302
1st VP: Jack Edwards 240-9302
2nd VP: Charlie Brummer 949-5519
3rd VP: Sharon Mika 479-4954
Treasurer: Bill Kirkland 687-7986
Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439
Lion Tamer: Marv Neill 685-9878
1 Year Dir: John Muegge 215-9787
1 Year Dir: Dave King 479-6574
2 Year Dir: Jim Switzgable 684-7700
2 Year Dir: Don Thompson 600-9884
Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753
Past Pres: Pancho Sanchez 595-9103
Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club 2nd Thursdays, 7 am Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course 8301 Freeport Blvd.Sacramento
Galt Lions Club 2 & 4 Thursdays 6:00 pm Social7:00 pm
MeetingPapa’s Pizza 505 C Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna 2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm The Old Spaghetti Factory 7727 Laguna Blvd.Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson
Taka Blackburn
Bob Brewer
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano
Chuck Davis
Rigo De La Torre
Daniel DiBenedetto III
Dianne Edwards
Jack Edwards
Randy Feist
Lewis Flint Sr
Lorene Fuhs
Fred Handley
Bill Heston Jr
Bill Hibbard
Bob Hillyer
John Jackson
Chris Joyce
Dave King
Bill Kirkland Jr
Sterling Kloss
John Lorraine
Kirk Marchetti
Ray Martinez
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muggee
Rebecca Muggee
Marv Neill
David Ogden
Shauna Ono
Jim Parino
Dan Pearsen
Shelli Pearsen
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy
Pancho Sanchez
Bud Schafer Jr
Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver
David Simpson
Howard Stoll
Jim Switzgable
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico
Don Thompson
Bob Turner
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler
Warren Weaver
Dennis Weiss
John Zehnder
John Zehnder Jr
District Contact Info
International President
Joseph Preston
“Strengthen The Pride”
District Governor Mike Retzlaff
District Governor
Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)
Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726