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If you wish to support our local Lions Club Foundation, see the donate button below the photo.

If you wish to make a donation in the name of Jean Sawitzky, please click here or use the QR code

Photo of Jean Sawitzky

Jean, Delta Lions Club, The Master of Ceremonies at the Delta Tea

QR Code to donate in the name of Jean Sawitzky

You can use your phone to capture the link to donate in Jean’s name.








Support your local Elk Grove Lions Foundation by making a donation. Your support is appreciated.

If nothing happens when you click on
the “Donate” button above, click here
to reset the page.

If you are having a problem, let me know
by clicking the link below to send me an
email or by calling the number below. 

email request button

Call Jack at 916-240-9302


Donate your old Eye Glasses
or Hearing Aids