December Tri-tip and Shrimp Dinner

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Because of the delay in the Commercial Crab Season, the Elk Grove Lions Club will be having a Tri-tip and Shrimp Feed on December 5, 2015 instead of a Crab Feed.

Flyer-> December Tri-tip And Shrimp Feed Flyer

If you have already purchased your crab feed tickets and do not want to join us for the tri-tip and shrimp dinner, we will refund your money.  If you have any questions you can give me a call. My number is at the bottom of the page.

Order Your Tickets Now!!

  • Location: S.E.S. Hall, 10428 East Stockton Blvd, Elk Grove
  • Time: Doors open at 5:30, Cocktails at 6:00, Dinner at 7:00.
  • Outside Alcohol:  Wine is included with the cost of your dinner and will be available at the tables. If you wish to bring your own wine, we will charge a $10 corkage fee. Other alcoholic beverages will be available at the bar. Please remember that this is a fundraiser for your community and alcohol sales support your community and allows us to keep the price of the dinner down.
  • It will not be an all you can eat dinner as it is with our crab feeds because of the higher cost of beef.

1.  Select the number of tickets you want to buy

2.  Then click on the Buy Now button below. 

We will hold the tickets at the door for you under your name.

Number of Tickets

If nothing happens when you click on
the “Buy Now” button above, click here
to reset the page.

If you are having a problem, let me know
by clicking the link below to send me an
email or by calling the number below/ 

email request button

Call Jack at 916-240-9302

——————————————————————————————–Commercial Crab season has been delayed!!!

Yes, we are aware of the reports about toxins in crab meat and because of the concerns by our friends, even if we could get crab from Washington State, we have chosen to substitute a Tritip and Shrimp dinner in lieu of the crab feed dinner.  Read more about it here. This is not an unusual event, but it generally more pronounced during an El Nino year.

Here is a link to another news story about the delay in California’s crab season.