Joe Tallerico

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Apr 17, 1938 – Dec 3, 2020

Those of us who knew Joe Tallerico, loved him. I met Joe when I joined the Elk Grove Lions Club. He was the first to make me feel welcome to the club by asking be to assist him with the Annual Student Speaker Contest. Over the years, he would ask me to assist him, then later turn over the project to me. In fact, although I did not know it at the time, he was grooming me to move into leadership roles within the club.

It worked because he was a great mentor. Very organized. Whenever you took over a task from Joe, you were provided the needed documentation to do well. To this day I still use the documents and forms that Joe provided to manage various tasks, such as handling the ticket sales for our many fundraising event.

We lost Joe in December 2020. He will be missed by all of us, but especially by his wife, Lynda.