July 2014 Stag

Volume 64 Issue #1 July 2014

We Serve


President Pancho Sanchez

President’s Message Join Us
Activities Announcements
Birthdays/Anniversaries Cooks List Board Minutes Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President Pancho Sanchez

     Before I jump into my message to the membership, I want to first take a moment in silent prayer over the loss of one of our own, Lion Gary Dapelo. Lion Gary will be missed by all of us in Elk Grove as well as throughout the world of Lions. Our prayers to out to his family and especially to his wife, Lion Laurie Dapelo, during this time of loss.

     As I take over as the new President of the Elk Grove Lions Club, I am thankful that I will have Past President John Zehnder, Jr., there to assist me. He did a great job this past year, leading us to our second year as the best club in the district. I also want to congratulate our Lion of the Year, Lion Taka Blackburn and our most recent Melvin Jones Fellow, Lion Warren Weaver. Both of these Lions are on my new board and I know that they, along with the rest of my board, will help me lead the club to a great year.

     We ended the year at our annual installation dinner were several Lions were recognized for their assistance to the club over the past year. The following Lions received awards and let me congratulate each of them as you enjoy the photos below: Lions Dan Pearson, Bill Hibbard, Bill Kirkland, Jack Edwards, The Muggees, Bob Brewer, Rick Schriver and of course Lion Taka Blackburn and Lion Warren Weaver.

     We will start off the month with a pancake breakfast on July 4th at the Elk Grove Pavillion, followed by many more events over the coming months. We will also enjoy roasting our own Past District Governor Andy Anderson on the 15th of August at the Roseville Lions Clubhouse.

     Please join me in continuing the tradition set by our past club presidents in keeping the Elk Grove Lions Club at the top of the list of service clubs in Elk Grove.

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
District and Zone News:

Click Here For More District and Zone News For Flyers for Above Activities



Click to Leave Bulletin and Go to Calendar on Elk Grove Lions Website

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple The club was engaged in several fun events over the past month. Check out the following photos:
101_0889Last Regular Meeting for President John Zehnder, Jr.
 101_0883Lion Lewis Flint, Lion Jack Megna an Visiting PGD Lion Don Ring from Folsom Lions
101_0888Visiting PGD Lion Carol Ring bellying up to the bar
101_0892 Lions at services for PGD Lion Gary Dapelo
101_0898 Fellowship after services for PDG Lion Gary Dapelo
IMG_1619 Lion President handing out thank-yous to his board
IMG_1622President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Award to Lion Bill Hibbard
IMG_1624 President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Award to Lions Rebecca & John  
IMG_1627President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Award to Lion Jim Switzgable
IMG_1625 President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Award to Lion Bob Brewer
IMG_1623President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Award to Lion Jack Edwards
IMG_1621 President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Award to Lion Dan Pearson
IMG_1628 President John Zehnder, Jr., and District Governor Andy Anderson with Lion of the Year, Taka Blackburn
IMG_1629 PGD Derek Ledda and District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Melvin Jones Award to Lion Warren Weaver
IMG_1641 Incoming President Pancho Sanchez with Outgoing President John Zehnder, Jr., & PDG Derek Ledda
IMG_1631Lion Dave Johnson and Lion Taka Blackburn with new member Chris Joyce
IMG_1606 Seniors in the Park Event supported by Lions Club
IMG_1626 Lion Laurie Dapelo and her sons to receive award for PGD Lion Gary Dapelo 
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s remember PDG Gary Dapelo. A long time member of our Elk Grove Lions Club, Gary lost is battle with cancer.


No matter what I write about Gary, it will always be inadequate to tell the story of how much he gave to his community and how much he was loved by his family.I think it is best to share the piece written by his live long partner and wife, Lion Laurie Dapelo in the District Newsletter, The Pride.


Let’s reach out to our fellow member, Lion Sterling. As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. His wife sent a little note along with his dues payment stating that he would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip.

Emeritus of Laguna Creek 6727 Laguna Park Drive EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.  

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at 8347 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 123, just north of Calvine Road.  


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Andy Anderson



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Bill Kirkland and Jim Parino

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

July 14, Past President BBQ, John Zehnder, Jr.–July 21, Taka Blackburn

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


Board Meeting Minutes

Standing in for President John was President elect Pancho Sanchez

Call to order  Lion President Elect Pancho Sanchez

7:00 PM  June 23, 2014


Ab President: John Zehnder, Jr. Ab Secretary: Warren Weaver
X 1st VP:  Teresa Rodriquez X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
X 2nd VP: Bob Brewer Ab Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd VP: Ray Martinez. X Treasurer: Fred Handley
X Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika X 2-Year Director: Pancho Sanchez
X 1-Year Director: Taka Blackburn X 2-Year Director: Bill Hibbard
X 1-Year Director: Marv Neill X Membership Director:
X Immediate Past Pres: Randy Feist

Other Lions Present:

Dave King—who voted no on every motion John and Rebecca Muegge—John thought his 2 years on the board started tonight


 Jeremy Johnson of Soap Box Derby Fame
Kyle Larson from NASCAR and PGHS

Secretary Report                            Lion Secretary Warren Weaver Motion to approve Minutes by Lion Fred Handley and second by Lion Jack Edwards–Passed Treasurer Report:Lion                   Treasurer Fred Handley Motion to accept Bob Brewer and second by Marv Neill–Passed Project: $____NA_____    Admin: $ _NA_____ FFA: $ _____NA____     Encumbered: $ ___NA_________ (Project and FFA are separated) Correspondence: (see folder) Committee Updates

Membership: Voted to approve Chris Joyce as a new member into the club
Sunshine: Fred Handley:  Sent a plant to Jim Parino and a wreath for Gary Dapelo’s memorial service
Visitation: Sharon Mika:  No visitation in July.  Start back up in August
Eyesight: Dave King:  Kohls Child Spree/ VSP is bringing vision trailer /van.
Assets: Don Thompson:  No Report

 Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:                                                           Date          Chairman                                  Notes

New member night 6/14 Andy Anderson 105 people were served dinner
Senior Center pancake breakfast 6/14  Jim Switzgable  .Served 139 people and made $697
Installation dinner 6/16 Warren/Dave/Pancho/John Jr. Made $400    Good comments and excellent reviews by Food magazine
Spotlight on the Ranch parking 6/21 Joe Tallerico Went well
Spotlight Rib cook-off 6/21 Randy and team

Did not finish in the top 4 or share their ribs with me.

New Business:                                                          Motion                 Second                  Approval

Motion to cook Senior Center volunteer dinner on 7/28.  Labor and equipment only—Chairperson is Pancho Bill Hibbard Bob Brewer Yes
Cook Stars and Strips in park on July 4.  Possible fundraiser  8-10 a.m. at Park Pavilion—Chairperson is Pancho Bob Brewer Jim Switzgable Yes
Donate $250 to Jeremy Johnson to help attend National Soap Box Derby competition. Fred Handley Bill Hibbard Yes
Donation of $500 to Kohl’s Child spree Randy Feist Bob Brewer Yes
Strauss Festival parking    7-24 thru 7-27  Chairperson is Dave King Bob Brewer Bill Hibbard Yes
Motion to cook for Pleasant Grove Jr. Eagles and tend bar.  Labor and equipment only  Chairperson is Pancho  Date is August 1 Taka Blackburn Bob Brewer Yes
Motion to cook Blue and Gold dinner on 8/16   Labor and equipment only  Chairperson is Bill Hibbard Bill Hibbard Marv Neill Yes
Motion to buy 5 tickets for $100 to the International food faire on 8/17 in Folsom Jack Edwards Bob Brewer Yes
Motion to approve labor and equipment only for Shortline Lake BBQ on Labor Day weekend.  Chairpersons will be Don Thompson and Sharon Mika  Who will be the chaperone? Randy Feist Bob Brewer Yes
Motion to approve $125 for a team to participate in the Animal Charity Rescue Bowl on 6/27 Bill Hibbard Sharon Mika Yes
Motion to approve that Elk Grove Lions are able toset up and tend bar with board approval, even if the club is not cooking dinner. Bill Hibbard Bob Brewer Yes
Motion to sponsor a wilderness camper for $300 Jack Edwards Bill Hibbard Yes
Motion to donate $200 to Canine Companions Bill Hibbard Marv Neill Yes
Motion to put a full page ad in the directory.  Cost $100  What the ad is for I have no idea. Jack Edwards Bill Hibbard Yes
Motion to pay for shirts that John Jr. handed out to board members.  Cost $243.80 Bill(again) Hibbard Jack Edwards Yes
Motion to reimburse Bill Hibbard for food costs that Pancho and John Jr. stuck him with for Gary Dapelo’s memorial service. Fred Handley Teresa Rodriquez Yes
Motion to recognize Bill Hibbard for being alert and a pain in the butt to Pancho all night.  He also made or seconded 80% of the motions.  He must have taken his milk shake before the meeting. Bob Brewer Teresa Rodriquez Unanimous
Motion to reimburse convention(is this all conventions? I went to a convention in SLO last week)participants actual cost up to $300 Jack Edwards Bill(once more)Hibbard Yes
Motion to reimburse Randy Feist $150 for participating in the rib cook-off at Spotlight on the Ranch on June 27. Bob Brewer Taka Blackburn Yes

Upcoming Events:                                              Date          Location                                  Notes

 Stars and Strips breakfast 7/4 Park Pavilion Chair-Pancho
EG softball drive through dinner 7/7 EGHS Chair-Warren
Sr. Center pancake breakfast 7/12 Senior Center  Chair-Jim S
CSD campout in the park 7/12-13 Elk Grove Regional park Chair-Pancho
 Past Presidents BBQ 7/14 Senior Center park Chair-John Jr.
Board Meeing  7/21 Senior Center Presiding-VP Bob B.
Strauss Festival parking 7/24-27 Elk Grove Regional park  Chair-Dave(vote no)King
Kohl’s Child spree 7/26 Kohl’s Chair??????????
No Dinner meeting 7/28
Senior Center volunteer dinner 7/28 Senior Center  Chair-Pancho
Pleasant Grove Jr. Eagles fundraiser 8/1 Waterman Road hall Chair-Pancho
Senior Center pancake breakfast 8/9 Senior Center Chair-Jim S.
Regular dinner meeting 8/11 Senior Center Cook-Sharon Mika??
Blue and Gold dinner 8/16 ??????????? Chair-Bill Hibbard
International Food Faire-Folsom 8/17 Folsom Pancho will be cooking his famous international food
Board meeting 8/18 Senior Center Pancho
Regular dinner meeting 8/25 Senior Center Cook-Teresa Rodriquez??

Good of the Order: Adjournment –very late for a school night. Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1.  Invite Rick Schriver to July or August meeting to find out why the club received no money for helping Fort Sutter
  2. Carnitas FUNraiser
  3. Lions Club mystery trip—some members have them every week
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at jack.edwards@surewest.net or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Pancho Sanchez 916-595-9103

Secretary: Jim Switzgable

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st Vice President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

2nd Vice President: Raymond Martinez 709-2101

3rd Vice President: Taka Blackburn 686-6696

Treasurer: Fred Handley 628-9770

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika 479-4954

One Year Director: Warren Weaver 715-9636

One Year Director: Bill Hibbard 956-5860

Two Year Director: John Muggee

Two YearDirector: Dave King

Membership Director: Dan Pearson/Andy Anderson

Imm. Past President: John Zehnder  690-4934

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club 2 Thursdays, 7 am Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course 8301 Freeport Blvd. Sacramento Galt Lions Club 2 & 4 Thursdays 6:00 pm Social 7:00 pm Meeting Papa’s Pizza 505 C Street, Galt Pride of Laguna 2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm The Old Spaghetti Factory 7727 Laguna Blvd. Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses was Emailed to Each Member
Nickname Last Name   Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Gary Dapelo Laurie
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr. Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr. Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr. Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Ray Martinez Connie
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Nickname Last Name   Spouse
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearson Shelli
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr. Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga Linda
Vernon Vincent Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr. Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple
Photo of International President FollowYourDream240pix

International President Barry J Palmer “Follow Your Dream”

District Governor Andy Anderson

District Governor

Lion Andy Anderson

Elk Grove Lions

12695 Apricot Lane

Wilton, California, 95693

Res: (916) 687-8133

Cell: (916) 955-3882

E-mail: andersj@frontiernet.net

1st Vice District Governor

Lion Erv Gon (Lion Cat)

Embarcadero Lions Club

32 Sunlit Circle, Sac, Ca 95831

Res.916 427-5747


2nd Vice District Governor

Lion Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club Cell: 916-225-8321 Res: 916-681-9726

E-mail: mikeretzlaff@sbcglobal.net


Cabinet Secretary

Lion Donna Prince (Brad)

Higgins Diggins Lions Club Cell: 530-305-8077

E-mail: liondprince@gmail.com

Cabinet Treasurer

Lion Fred Handley

Elk Grove Lions Club Cell: 916-628-9770

E-mail: TaxFredH@aol.com

Sacto Region Chair

Lion John Vermeltfoort (Lion Laurel)

Galt Lions Club Res: 209-365-6573

E-mail: johnvermeltfoort@gmail.com

Sutter Zone Chair

Lion Sheri Retzlaff (2nd VDG Mike)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club Cell:916-225-0126

E-mail: sheriretzlaff@sbcglobal.net

District Pride Editor

Lion Laurie Dapelo (PDG Gary)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club Res: 916-685-7642


©  Elk Grove Lions Club