First of all, I want to say thanks to my fellow Lions for all your hard work on our December Crab Feed on the 6th. We had a great turnout, a great staff of cooks and bartenders, etc… Thanks to Lion Jim and his crew for doing the monthly breakfast at the Senior Center on the 13th. Also, a special thanks to Lion Don Thompson for a great Christmas Dinner for the Lions and their families on the 15th. Finally, a special thanks to Lion Joe Tallerico and his crew for handling traffic control and assisting the Elk Grove Food Bank with their distribution of food on the 22nd for Christmas.
The year is now half over and we won’t be slowing down as we roll into January. Of course, we have our Senior Center Breakfast on the 10th and Lion Sharon is working on a visitation to Maharlika Lions on the 6th. We also plan to attend the Soup and Salad at the Roseville Host Lions on the 30th of January. We will be assisting EG Community Lacrosse Boosters with a fundraiser on the 24th as well as the Markofer Spaghetti Feed on the 30th. Lion Dave King is still trying to get enough Lions to book the bus to see the Stockton Thunder Hockey Game on the 31st. Call Lion Dave to let him know if you want to go and take a few friends with you.
Please join me in continuing the tradition set by our past club presidents in keeping the Elk Grove Lions Club at the top of the list of service clubs in Elk Grove. Please check the board minutes to see who is the chairperson for upcoming events and volunteer to assist them with our commitments to our community this month.
On a final note, please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He will started radiation treatment in December. Also for those of you that did not hear, our fellow Lion Don Vinenga lost his wife, Linda, to cancer in December. Give these Lions a call and lend them your support.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays (except November & December)
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
The club was engaged in several fun events over the past month.
Check out the following photos:
Lion Jim Parino and his wife Charlette waiting for Chirstmas dinner.
Lion Taka and his sons.
Lion Sharon and Lion Bill making salad for Christmas dinner.
Master Chef Lion Don Thompson working on the beef with Lion Bill supervising.
Lion Don, Lion Bill and Lion Jim.
Looks like Lion Don is working and the others watching water boil.
Lion Marv and his wife Anna Jean talking with PDG Andy Anderson.
Lion Bob and Lion Jim being interrogated.
Lion Charlie and friends. Lion Matt in the foreground.
Lion Matt Santa Clause
Lion Matt Santa Clause and one of Lion Tom Anderson’s youngsters.
Lion President Pancho giving lessons to the Anderson kids. Future Lions.
Lions Joe, Don, John Senior, Santa, PDG Andy, and Jack.
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support. He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at 8347 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 123, just north of Calvine Road.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
John Zehnder Sr., John Jackson, Vernon Vincent, Jim Parino, Bill Heston
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Dave King, Dennis Weiss, John Zehnder Sr., Rick Schriver
Cooks List
January 12 – Ray Martinez, January 26 – Dave King
February 9 – Shauna Ono, February 23rd. No Dinner – Speech Contest
Board Minutes
December 8, 2014
Call to order Lion President: Francisco “Pancho” Sanchez 7:00 PM
President: Francisco Sanchez
Secretary: Jim Switzgable
1st VP: Robert Brewer
Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Ray Martinez
Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
3rd VP: Taka Blackburn
Treasurer: Fred Handley
Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika
2-Year Director: David King
1-Year Director: Warren Weaver
2-Year Director: John Muegge
1-Year Director: William Hibbard
Membership Director: Dan Pearson
Imm Past Pres: John Zehnder Jr.
Other Lions Present:
Andy Anderson
Don Thompson
Andy Bambusca requesting support for Cub Scout pack 179 Blue and Gold Dinner on Feb 19th at Edna Batey Elementary School. We would cook and buy food. Cook for 150 – 175
Secretary Report by Lion Secretary Jim Switzgable:
Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion John Z Jr and second by Lion Jack E approved
Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Fred Handley :
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Lion Jack E and seconded by Lion John Z Jr approved
Correspondence: (see folder)
Committee Updates
Membership: Dan Pearson
Membership booth at Crab Feed wasn’t a big success but L Dan P did hand out brochures and talk to people
Sunshine: Fred Handley
Nothing to report. We are just too healthy right now.
Visitation: Sharon Mika
No plans until the new year
Eyesight: Dave King
Assets: Don Thompson
Need storage bins and tongs to replace broken ones
Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:
Date Chairman Notes
Food Bank Traffic Control
11/24 and 12/22
L Joe T
EG Lions Crab Feed
L Bob B
We talked a lot about this event. Overall a very good event. Estimate gross amount at $16K. Expect to net $8 -$10,000.
Hockey Game Excursion
L Dave K
Get your reservations to Lion Dave before 1/26
Schedule during the holidays
L El Presidente Pancho S
Dec 15 – Christmas Dinner Meeting $15 per family, Lion Don T is head cook
Update on the $500 donation by Sacramento Optimist in the name of the Elk Grove Lions
L El Presidente Pancho S /L Fred H
Optimists sent us check. Did we submit to Healthy Start yet? Lion Pancho S still has the check
Collect Lion magazines from members for Lion Rick to distribute at various locations around town to get our name out. Method to get word out about what Lions do.
Good idea from L Rick. Reminder for El Presidente to announce this to membership.
Request for 10-15 tables and 50 – 60 chairs for Casino Night Fundraiser for IPCC Derek Ledda
L Andy A
Approved already. Further details. We are requested to do the bar. Moved to SCEG. We don’t need ABC license. Andy will tend bar.
Pancake Breakfast at Wellspring
L Pancho
Lion Bill, Dave K, Pancho. Kudos on Channel 31 news.
Pancake Breakfast at Cosumnes Oaks
Lion Bill Hibbard has to complete two pancake event reports for his President.
New Business: Motion Second Approval
Sheldon High School Sober Grad Committee wants a Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser on March 14, 2015. Laura Daniel is Committee President 916-690-7470. Just a reminder that we delayed a decision until January meeting. I don’t want this forgotten
To be addressed in January
MD4 Youth Exchange Foundation has a raffle fundraiser. Book of 20 tickets is $100. Winners picked at MD4 convention on February 22nd. Withheld decision last meeting until we have money
L John Z Jr
L Fred H
Teresa Posey from Joseph Sims Elementary wants us to help them with their Crab Feed for Feb 20th at Greek Orthodox Church. We did all cooking last time. Lion John Jr will give them an applicationPostpone until application submitted.
No paperwork turned in yet. L John Z Jr will call Teresa Posey.
I am Sajan Badhan with Troop 288. I am a Life Scout and I’m currently working on my Eagle Project. My Eagle project has to benefit my community, Elk Grove. I chose to help Jessie Baker. Jessie Baker was the first school in California to help children within the autism spectrum. My Eagle project is to provide them cements slabs and picnic tables to eat on. Due to the high cost of the project, $4,000, I am asking for donations. I plan on doing this project December 7th and 14th. Expected Sajan to be at the meeting but he did not show up.
Andy Barbusca – Cub Scout Pack 179 will come to the meeting to request our support for the Blue & Gold Dinner on 2/19. L Taka B to chair
L Fred H
L Jim S
Motion to pay for March Crab Feed (facility and deposit to SES Hall) now
L John Z
L Jack E
Make $500 contribution to LEF which we will get a matching donation so that $1000 can go to belt buckles for the County Fair
LFred H
L Bill H
Upcoming Events:Date Location Notes
Senior Center Breakfast
Senior Center
L Jim S / Don T
Food Bank Traffic Control
Dino Drive
L Joe T
Senior Center Breakfast
Senior Center
L Jim S / Don T
Tri-tip Fundraiser for EG Community Lacrosse Boosters (food & bar)
Masonic Lodge
L Warren W
Markofer Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser
Elk Grove High School
L Warren W
Stockton Thunder Hockey Game
L Dave K
Pleasant Grove Aggie Backers – burgers and brew (food & bar)
Pleasant Grove HS
L Warren W
Good of the Order:
Adjournment: 8:30 PM
Items to address during our next Board Meeting:
Sheldon HS Sober Grad Committee Fundraiser
Joseph Sims Elementary Fundraiser
Donation considerations we consider each year (Ear of the Lion, Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children, Autism Speaks, Lions Quest, etc)
Adjournment: 8:10 PM
Addendum to the December, 2014 Board Minutes:
On December 15, 2014 at 5:30pm, Lion President called a meeting with the Board ahead of our Holiday dinner.
Board members present were: Sanchez, Brewer, Martinez, Switzgable, Weaver, Hibbard, Zehnder, Jr, King, Edwards and Muegge
The issue discussed was the approval at the regularly scheduled Board meeting on December 8, 2014 of $300 for the Blue and Gold Dinner for Cub Scout pack 179. Lion President asked that the issue be discussed and consideration be made to withdraw the financial part of the request. This would not impact the decision to support the event for labor and equipment.
The discussion centered on knowledge that the Cub Scout pack was already well funded with “$80,000”. The motion was made by Lion Bill Hibbard to provide support for the Blue & Gold dinner for labor and equipment only. The motion was seconded by Lion John Zehnder, Jr and approved by the Board.
A motion was made by Lion Jim Switzgable to allocate the $300 to the Sheldon Sober Grad Committee Spaghetti Fundraiser (that had not been addressed in the regular Board meeting). Lion Ray Martinez seconded. The motion was approved by the Board.
Meeting was adjourned.
The topic of the Blue & Gold event will be on the agenda again for our January meeting.
This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: Pancho Sanchez 916-595-9103
Secretary: Jim Switzgable 916-684-7700
Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302
1st VP: Bob Brewer 686-7084
2nd VP: Raymond Martinez 709-2101
3rd VP: Taka Blackburn 686-6696
Treasurer: Fred Handley 628-9770
Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439
Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika 479-4954
1 Year Dir: Warren Weaver 715-9636
1 Year Dir: Bill Hibbard 956-5860
2 Year Dir: John Muggee
2 YearDir: Dave King
Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753
Past Pres: John Zehnder 690-4934
Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club 2nd Thursdays, 7 am Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course 8301 Freeport Blvd.Sacramento
Galt Lions Club 2 & 4 Thursdays 6:00 pm Social7:00 pm
MeetingPapa’s Pizza 505 C Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna 2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm The Old Spaghetti Factory 7727 Laguna Blvd.Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson
Taka Blackburn
Bob Brewer
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano
Chuck Davis
Rigo De La Torre
Daniel DiBenedetto III
Dianne Edwards
Jack Edwards
Randy Feist
Lewis Flint Sr
Lorene Fuhs
Fred Handley
Bill Heston Jr
Bill Hibbard
Bob Hillyer
John Jackson
Dave King
Bill Kirkland Jr
Sterling Kloss
Kirk Marchetti
Ray Martinez
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muggee
Rebecca Muggee
Marv Neill
David Ogden
Shauna Ono
Jim Parino
Dan Piersen
Shelli Piersen
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy
Pancho Sanchez
Bud Schafer Jr
Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver
David Simpson
Howard Stoll
Jim Switzgable
Matt Switzgagle
Joe Tallerico
Don Thompson
Bob Turner
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler
Warren Weaver
Dennis Weiss
John Zehnder
John Zehnder Jr
District Contact Info
International President
Joseph Preston
“Strengthen The Pride”
District Governor Erv Gon
District Governor
Lion Erv Gon (Lion Cat)
Embarcadero Lions Club
32 Sunlit Circle, Sac, Ca 95831
Res.916 427-5747
1st Vice District Governor
Lion Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)
Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726