April 2019 Stag

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 69 Issue # 10 Apr 2019

We Serve

President Brad Dano

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

Lion President Brad Dano

As you can tell when you read the minutes below, we have had a very busy month since the last Stag was published, but before I get into all that we have been doing and what we have scheduled over the next couple of weeks, I do want to ask you to help the club with it’s fundraiser, The Big Day Of Giving. It is on May 2nd. It is a 24 hour effort to raise money for the club. You can tell your friends about it and ask them to support us. There is a piece on the website to tell you all about it. You can ask Lion Jack for a graphic that you can add to Facebook, or you can just look at our Facebook page and share the event and share the piece about this fundraiser with all of your contacts on Facebook.This is one fundraiser that you don’t have to work at, but you do need to work at telling all of your friends about it.

Now, on to the busy month. As usual, we supported the Senior Center with their 2nd Saturday Pancake Breakfast. The winner of our Student Speaker Contest, Kathy Le, competed at the Zone level at the Falls Event Center on the 13th and won. She competed again at the Region level Student Speaker Contest where she again won the contest. She is now headed to the District level contest. If you can be there on the 20th at noon, please plan to attend. 7000 65th Street at the Sheriff’s substation west of the old Florin Mall. 

Our members again participated in several community events. We assisted with the Soroptimist of Elk Grove’s Martinis and Merriment fundraiser on the 22nd of March. On the 23rd, we cooked at the Pasta Feed at Sheldon High School. Also on the 23rd, we provided parking assistance to the Early California Days Event at Elk Grove Park.

We have several events coming up during the early part of April. Please make sure to step up to assist at the Pleasant Grove Elementary PTA dinner, the Walk to Remember and the Running of the Elk.  We also have the Just Serve day in Elk Grove Park on the 13th of April and we need to have about a half dozen Lions to assist with cutting up watermelons, tomatoes and onions and serving the volunteers.  Later on April 20th, the Senior Center will need a few volunteers for the Butterfly Tea. . 

One very important activity that is ongoing now is the selection of potential officers for our club for the coming year. We have been announcing the need for volunteers or nominees who will run. Please consider stepping up when asked so that our club will continue to be the club that serves the people of our community of Elk Grove.

Thanks for your support over this past year,


Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Program Meeting: 7:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month (except November & December)
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

General Meeting: 7:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except November & December)
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Click Here For More District and Zone News

Click Here to see our Calendar (It is now a live calendar, not a static calendar.)

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos & videos:

The winner of the Student Speaker Contest at out club, Kathy Le, went to the Zone contest and won. Then she went to the Region Contest. Pictured here with the Lions who attended. Lions Jey, Agustin, Brad, Andy and Jack.

In the Region contest, she competed with Ellie Mizushima and won again. Now she is off to the District Contest on May 20th. If you are available to attend, please go and show your support. Noon at the Sheriff’s Substation at 7000 65th Street, next to the old Florin Mall.

Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Lions Lorene Fuhs, Joe Tallerico



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Lions Lorene Fuhs, Sharon Mika, Shauna Ono, Teresa Rodriguez

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple

                                                            ELK GROVE LIONS CLUB


MARCH 18, 2019

Call to order:  6:00      President: BRAD DANO


X President: Brad Dano X Secretary: Agustin Palacios
X 1st VP:  Taka Blackburn Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
X 2nd VP: John Muegge X Tail Twister: Andy Anderson
X 3rd VP:   Rebecca Muegge X Treasurer: Jeylon Strong
X Lion Tamer: Jim Switzgable X 2-Year Director: Warren Weaver
X 1-Year Director: Lewis Flint X 2-Year Director: Jack Edwards
1-Year Director: Bob Turner X Membership Director: John Zehnder, Jr.
X Immediate Past Pres: Sharon Mika Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
Lion  Charlie Lion
Lion Lion


BSA District Executive Abagail and T59 Committee Chair Julie Lewis and the T59 Scout Master John Schrader   (no show)

Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Agustin: Minutes for February sent out, member activity and membership up to date

Motion to approve Board Minutes for   by Lion………………  second by Lion…….  Motion……………

Correspondence: (see folder) was read by president

Committee Updates

Eyesight:  none
Sunshine   Bob Turner update    none
Assets/Equipment:    none
Visitation:     vacant


Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Foundation Meeting Elk Grove Lions Foundation


Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report


        Event Name            Date                  Location                        Chair

Student Speech Contest Mar 13 Falls Event Center Lion Andy
Pleasant Grove Spaghetti Dinner Mar 15 Pleasant Grove Elem Lion Brad/Taka

New Business:

  • Fundraiser for Pete Saunders Lion Taka
  • LCI District Cabinet Meeting Report Lion Andy
  • Club Officers for 2019/2020
  • EG Regional Scholarship Foundation event (Spotlight on Scholarships) event; request of donation
  • Student Senior Project volunteer need it to serve as judges Lion John

Motion             Moved by:                Second      Approval    Chair

To provide tables and chairs and equipment for a Fundraiser dinner of Trip-tip for Pet Saunders Lion Sharon Lion Jey Yes
To add 500 donation to next year Elk Grove Scholarship Lion Jack Lion Jim Yes
To form a committee to review the qualifications of the Elk Grove Scholarship for next year 2019/20120 Lion Jack Lion Taka Yes
To assist at the Harvest of Hope Event with parking Lion Jack Lion Taka Yes

 Upcoming Activities and Approved Projects: Our Fundraisers CSD Event SCEG Events

      Event             Date              Location                Chairman

Soroptimist Martinis & Merriment Mar 22 Soroptimist International of Elk Grove Lion Jack
Pasta Feed Sheldon High School Mar 23 Sheldon High School ?
Early California Events Mar,23,24 Elk Grove Park Lion Brad
Pleasant Grove Elementary PTA Dinner April 6 Elk Grove Park Pavilion Lion Andy
Running of The Elk April 7 Longview Drive EG Lion Jack
Heritage Garden Spring Garden Daughter Tea Party May 12 Elk Grove Heritage Park Lion John

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:              PM

Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Bob Shipley. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-685-2426:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Brad Dano

Secretary: Agustin Placios

1st VP: Taka Blackburn

2nd VP: John Muegge

3rd VP:  Rebecca Muegge

Treasurer: Jay Strong

Tail Twister: Andy Anderson

Lion Tamer: Jim Switzgable

1 Year Dir: Bob Turner

1 Year Dir: Lewis Flint

2 Year Dir: Warren Weaver

2 Year Dir: Pancho Sanchez

Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.

Past Pres: Sharon Mika

Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
Stag Editor: Bob Shipley 685-2426

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

7:00 pm Meeting

Papa’s Pizza

505 C Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm

The Old Spaghetti Factory

7727 Laguna Blvd.

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Brad Dano Teresa
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Bill Heston Jr Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
Al Jauregui Jan
Chris Joyce Heather
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Vanita Kumari Harjeet
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Tom McDaniel
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
Name Spouse
John Muggee Rebecca
Rebecca Muggee John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Agustin Placios
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bob Shipley
David Simpson Ginger
Jeylon Strong
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Jr Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

International President
Gudrun Yngvadottir
“Beyond the Horizon”

District Governor Doug Wight
“Golden Road of Lionism”

District Governor

Doug Wight
Nevada City Lions


Email: dg@district4c5.org

1st Vice District Governor

Sarah Enloe
Maharlika Lions

Email: 1vdg@district4c5.org

2nd Vice District Governor

Cat Gon
Embarcaradero Lions

Email: 2vdg@district4c5

Cabinet Secretary

Jeri Retzlaff
Pride of Laguna Creek Lions


Cabinet Treasurer

Sheri Retzlaff
Pride of Laguna Creek Lions

Email: ct@district4c5.org

Sactramento Region Chair

Lynn Ventura

Email: SacramentoRegion@district4c5.org

Sutter Zone Chair

Zenny Yagan

Email: SutterZone@district4c5.org

District Pride Editor

Kitty Kramer

Email: editor@district4c5.org

District Webmaster

Jack Edwards
Elk Grove Lions Club
