April Stag 2024

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 74 Issue # 10 April 2024

We Serve

President Bob Shipley

President’s Message

Join Us





Cooks List

Board Minutes

Contact Info

District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

Fellow Lions, Friends of the Elk Grove Lions Club and our Community.

We had a great March. As usual, most of our efforts revolved around helping our fellow nonprofit organization.

We had our meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday and the board meeting on the 3rd Monday as usual. We also had a great pancake breakfast on the 2nd Saturday.

Here is a list of the events that we worked in March.

  • March 2nd: Senior Center Breakfast Fundraiser
  • March 2nd: Bar for Seth Smith fundraiser at the SES Hall.
  • March 6th: Zone Student Speaker Contest at the Laguna Town Hall
  • March 6th: TriTip Drive Thru Fundraiser for FFA & 4-H
  • March 16th: Bar for Martinis and Merriment
  • March 22nd: Oodles of Noodles Bingo Night at Pleasant Grove Elementary

Thanks for all of your support last month and I know that I can count on you for the coming month where we will prepare and serve dinner for the Red Carpet Dance, Burgers and Brews and the Running of the Elk Breakfast.

Of course the big news is the election of our 2024-25 board of directors. See the info below

Lion Bob Shipley

We have partnered with Be Local and will have a 1/4 page advertisement in Be Local every month in 2024 so that we can push for new members as well as to highlight what we are doing in the community. Go here to see what we already have planned, in the way of public events, for 2024.

Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759


General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Albiani Recreation Center

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM

Location: Online Zoom Meeting

General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec)

Location: Albiani Recreation Center


Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlights:

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos & videos:
Congratulations on the election of our board of directors for 2024-25.

President – Lion Warren Weaver
1st  VP – Lion Anthony Dapelo
2nd VP – Lion Tim O’Hara
3rd VP – Lion Greg Neill
Treasurer – Lion Jason Springer
Secretary – Lion Lorene Fuhs
Membership – Lion John Zehnder, Jr.
Tail Twister – Lion Brad Dano
Lion Tamer- Lion Dave King
1 Year Director – Lion Denise O’Hara
1 Year Director – Lion Lynden King
2 Year Director – Lion Dan Pearson
2 Year Director – Lion TJ Weaver
Immediate Past President – Lion Bob Shipley
LCIF – PDG Andy Anderson

Announcements UpArrowPurple

As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

John Muegge



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Dan Quiggle & Sharon Mika 

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

April 8 – Ed Mooney & Jack Edwards
April – 22 – Taka Blackburn

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple

Board Meeting minutes
March 18th, 2024

Call to order:  6:00 p.m.                       President:  Bob Shipley

X President: Bob Shipley X Secretary: Lorene Fuhs
1st VP:  Warren Weaver X LCIF: Andy Anderson
X 2nd VP: Anthony Dapelo Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP:  Tim O’Hara X Treasurer: Jason Springer
Lion Tamer: Dave King X 2-Year Director: Greg Neill
1-Year Director: Denise O’Hara X 2-Year Director: Marv Neill
X 1-Year Director: Lynden King X Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
Immediate Past Pres: Warren Weaver X Publicity Director & Asst. Secretary:  Jack Edwards
Kitchen Director:  Brian Crough


Secretary Report: (Stag) by Lion Lorene: All activities will be recorded in the Lions International’s MyLion program.

Motion to approve Board Minutes for February 2024 by Lion Jack  and by Lion  Andy     _  Motion……………

Treasurer Report: by Lion Treasurer Jason Springer:

  • Admin- $12,939.48
  • Project Categories
  • FFA – $26,588.93
  • Scouts –   $  2,162.71
  • Project – $ 44,037.67
  • Total –               $ 72,669.33

Combined Project –           $ 85,608.81


 Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Elk Grove Lions Foundation at    6:05 pm

Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report

  • Martinis and Merriment – Bar – Very good event $167 tips for FFA
  • Pleasant Grove Elementary Pasta Dinner Fri, March 22nd
  • Red Carpet Dance – District 56 – Fri, April 5th
  • Burger and Brews –
  • Running of the Elk Breakfast – Sun March 24th – Lion Jack

New Business:

  • LEF Foundation For Sac County Fair – See Motion
  • Historical Society Parking – See Motion
  • Kitchen Director – Board member – See Motion
  • Purchase Bar Mates – See Motion
  • Western Festival Parking – $1500 – May 4th & May 5th, 9am – 4:30pm (3 gates) – will talk to membership to ask if they could commit for this

Motions on New Business

Motion Moved By Second Passed Lead
LEF Foundation Matching $500

Students will apply for scholarship


Lion Andy


Lion Jack




Lion Andy

Historical Society Parking Lion Jack Lion Andy X Lion Brad
Kitchen Director removal from Board Lion John Z Lion Jason X
Purchase Bar Mats for Bar Events, $300 max Lion Jason Lion John z X

 Upcoming Activities and Approved Projects:

Event Date Location Chair
Lions Club Board Meeting March 18th Albiani Rec Center Pres.

Bob Shipley

Running of the Elk – Breakfast       Cook only Sun., March 24th District 56 Pres Bob Shipley
Lions Club Dinner Meeting March 25 Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Jason

Red Carpet Dance

Cook and serve hot dogs and hamburgers

Fri., April 5th District 56 Lion Sharon
1st Burger and Brew Dinner Sat., April 6th Wackford center


Lion John Z & Lion Lorene
Lions Club Dinner Meeting April 8th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Ed Mooney & Jack Edwards

Community Breakfast


April 13th Albiani Rec Center Lion Jim
Lions Club Board Meeting April 15th Albiani Rec Center Pres.

Bob Shipley

Lions Club Dinner Meeting April 22nd Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Taka

CSD Volunteer appreciation BBQ –Cook and Serve


Thurs., April 25th Rotary Park

EG Park

Lion Dave K
Post 55 support cook – Tri Tip Dinner

Cook and service at 6pm

Sat., April 27th District 56 Lion Jack
EGHS FFA Banquet

Shop and cook

Wed, May 8th EGHS Lion Warren
Community Breakfast


May 11th Albiani Rec Center Lion Jim
EG Historical Society

Victorian Era Courtship


Sat., May 11th Heritage Park

Elk Grove Park

Lion Brad
Lions Club Dinner Meeting May 13th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Brad

Lions Club Board Meeting May 20th Albiani Rec Center Pres.

Bob Shipley

Barbara Comstock Morse Elem.  –

Volunteers Tea – Breakfast Burritos

Thursday, May 23 7000 Cranleigh Ave Lion Lorene
County Fair Pancake Breakfast

For EG FFA students

Sat., May 25th Cal Expo Lion Andy
County Fair Pancake Breakfast

For EG FFA students

Sun., May 26th Cal Expo Lion Warren
Lions Club Dinner Meeting May 27th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Dave Myrick

Community Breakfast


June 8th Albiani Rec Center Lion Jim
Lions Club Dinner Meeting June 10th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Sharon

Lions Club Board Meeting June 17th Albiani Rec Center Pres.

Bob Shipley

Lions Club Dinner Meeting


June 24th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook

Lion Bob Shipley

Lions Club Dinner Meeting


July 8th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook


Community Breakfast


July 8th Albiani Rec Center Lion Jim
Lions Club Board Meeting July 8th Albiani Rec Center Pres. Warren
Lions Club Dinner Meeting July 8th Albiani Rec Center Head Cook


Good of the Order:

Adjourn Meeting:    7:06   pm 

Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Bob Shipley

1st VP: Warren Weaver

2nd VP: Anthony Dapelo
3rd VP: Tim O’Hara

Secretary: Lorene Fuhs

Treasurer: Jason Springer

Tail Twister: Brad Dano

Lion Tamer: Dave King

1 Year Director – Denise O’Hara
1 Year Director – Lynden King
2 Year Director – Greg Neill
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Warren Weaver
Club Administrator: Jack A Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack A Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

6:30 pm Meeting

Grange Hall

5th & D Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Albiani Recreation Center

8830 Sharkey Ave

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Kyle Blackburn
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charles Brummer
Larry Chen Eva
Brian Crough Linda
Brad Dano Teresa
Anthony Dapelo Chalene
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lorene Fuhs Robbie
Bill Heston Jr
Dave King Julie
Lynden King Sandi
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Sharon Mika
Ed Mooney Gayle
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
David Myrick Vickie
Name Spouse
Greg Neill Amy
Marv Neill Annajean
Tim O’Hara Denise
Denise O’Hara Tim
Agustin Placios
Karen Pang
Dan Pearson Shelli
Dan Quiggle Marsalina
Jerry Salamy Leann
Andrew Shipley
Bob Shipley Andrea
Jason Springer Raelynn
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Joe Terry Sarrah
Sarah Terry Joe
Brenda Terry
Don Thompson Sue
Treavor “TJ” Weaver Brooke
Brooke Weaver Treavor “TJ”
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Jr. Linda
Eva Zhao Steve
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

Dr. Patti Hill

International President
Bio   Video

District Governor Zenny Yagen
“Serve With Passion”

District Governor

Zenny Yagen

1st Vice District Governor
Vicky Brady

2nd Vice District Governor
Brent Showalter

Cabinet Secretary
Susan Gall

Cabinet Treasurer
Carelton Enloe

Administrative Assistant
Gayle Kono
Sacramento Region Chair
Lion George “Eddie” Aducayen

Sutter Zone Chair

Murray Navarro 

District Pride Editor
Evelyn Butler & Gayle Kono

District Webmaster

Jack Edwards
