November 2016 Stag

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 66 Issue # 5  November 2016

We Serve


President Jack Edwards

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

Lion President Jack Edwards

     Thanks to all of you who have been supporting our activities this fall. We had a busy October and are looking forward to our Thanksgiving Dinner in November.

     Here is a quick review of what we did since the last newsletter. We supported the Elk Grove Pumpkin Festival on the 1st & 2nd of October. Lion Dano and his crew handled the parking as part of our agreement with the Elk Grove CSD which provides space for our equipment storage. I had a great time visiting with fellow Lions as well as the people who visited the park for the Pumpkin Festival. At our 2nd Monday of the month meeting at the Senior Center we hosted the District Governor and part of his staff. We had a great time.

     We hosted the Senior Center Breakfast on the 8th.  The big event of the month was at the Pavilion at Elk Grove Park. We had our Day of The Dead, Carnitas Festival on October 28th. Lions Lorene and Jay put together a great event. Almost a complete sell out. It was a fun time for all of us who worked or attended the event.

     In November we have our annual Family Thanksgiving Dinner on the 14th and then our board meeting on the 21st. 1st VP Lion Sharon will be handling the board meeting.

     Coming up in December is one of our major fund raising events, the December Crab and Shrimp Feed at the SES Hall.  Please keep selling tickets so that we have a successful fundraiser. Lion Sharon still needs raffle prizes so touch bases with her if you have a raffle prize for the Crab Feed.

     After the Crab Feed, we have a Senior Center Pancake Breakfast on the 10th, our December Family Christmas Dinner on the 12th. Rather than paying the club for the dinner,  we will be collecting a check or cash for the Elk Grove Food Bank. Please plan to bring cash or a check made payable to the Elk Grove Food Bank Services in the amount of $10 or more. We will have a board meeting on the 19th. We also have the traffic control for the Elk Grove Food Bank’s food boxes on the 19th. Check with Lion Jim Switzgable to see if he needs any help on the 10th and Lion Joe Tallerico to see if he needs any help on the 19th.

     I hope to see all of you at our upcoming activities.

Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Program Meeting: 7:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month (except November & December)
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

General Meeting: 7:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except November & December)
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:30PM

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Click Here For More District and Zone News

Click Here to see our Calendar (It is now a live calendar, not a static calendar.)

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos:
governorkumarandpresidentjackDistrict Governor Kumar with Lion President Jack Edwards
governorkumarandpastpresidentbobDistrict Governor Kumar with Past President Bob
goverorsvisitDistrict Governor Kumar’s Board Members with PDG Andy
governorkumarandlionjoetLion Joe Tallerico receiving award from District Governor Kumar
First Vice District Governor Nick McNicholas
 chickendropwinnerwithlionjey2Chicken Drop Winner with Lion Jey at Carnitas Festival

Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:

Please keep Lion Dave Simpson in your prayers. He had a stroke in June and is recuperating at home.

Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support. He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Rick Schriver, Jerry Salamy, Sharon Mika, Jack Edwards, David Simpson



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Jack Megna, Warren Weaver

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

November 14 – Thanksgiving Dinner – Dave King
December 12 – Christmas Dinner – Don Thompson
January 9 – Jey Strong

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


Board Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2016

Call to order:  6:30 pm                   Lion President:  Jack Edwards


X President: Jack Edwards  X Secretary: Lorene Fuhs
 X 1st VP:  Sharon Mika Bulletin Editor: Bob Shipley
2nd VP: Brad Dano  X Tail Twister: Agustin Placios
3rd VP:  Dan Pearson  X Treasurer: Warren Weaver
 X Lion Tamer: Jeylon Strong  X 2-Year Director: Marv Neill
 X 1-Year Director: Jim Switzgable  X 2-Year Director: Al Jauregui
1-Year Director: Don Thompson Membership Director: Dan Pearson
 X Imm Past Pres: Bob Brewer  X Public Relations: Pancho Sanchez
Other Lions Present
Lion  Andy Anderson  Lions Bill Hubbard  Lion  Taka Blackburn



Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Secretary Lorene Fuhs:
Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion warren       second by Lion Bob             approved all

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Warren Weaver:
Admin: $ _1925.79_________
Project: $ _____21,671.45_____

Sub Accts:
Equipment:     $__19097.22__________
FFA:                $____71.02________
Projects:         $___2503.21_________

Committee Updates

Eyesight:  Lion Dave King – no report
Sunshine: Lion Shelli Pearson – no report
Assets/Equipment: Lion Don Thompson – no report
Membership: Lion Dan Pearson- no report
Visitation: Lion Pancho  will be doing a visitation in November

Elk Grove Lions Foundation

Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Reports

                                                          Date                  Location                        Chair

Pumpkin Festival Parking Oct 1-2 Elk Grove Park Lion Brad no report
Senior Center Breakfast Oct 8 Senior Center Lion Don everything went well
Habitat For Humanity Oct 15 Elk Grove Lion Jim Switzgable Had a great time rained during the day so everything didn’t get completed.

New Business: 

  • Funding for County Fair we couldn’t come up with a fundraiser for this.

We need another fundraiser

  • Eagle Scout Report for Troop 59. Two scouts have qualified for the Rank of Eagle. Matthew Morris and Kyle Blackburn. No others will qualify this year. Court of Honor is November 19th at 2:00 for Kyle Blackburn.  Lion Jeylon Strong has volunteered to present awards.
  • The Speech contest in February Lion Rick and Lion John Jr. will chair again. Have they scheduled and ordered supplies? Date set and notifications to schools? February 13th or February 27th?   Chairpersons were not at board meeting to report.
  • The board voted on membership dues in August.  It was moved by Lion Bob Brewer and 2nd by Lion Pancho to have letter go out in April 1st for due payments.  Due Payments need to be paid by June 30th or members will be dropped from the club on that date. Has research been done to allow this?  Still looking into this matter.
  • Have we dropped members who have not yet paid their dues?

We have dropped Howard Stoll and Donald Veninga.

  • Have we received an invoice or a request for funds to pay Habitat for Humanity the $1,000 we have pledged?  We have not received a invoice for is donation.  Lion Jim in going to see if they might be willing to have the lions work off the donation instead of the cash value.
  • Mayor’s Volunteer Awards due by October 31st.
  • Donation requests received and not funded due to lack of funds:
  1. 1,000 dogs and buns for Veteran’s Day Event.  We are looking into getting buns and hot dogs donated.
  2. Delta Tea event we are going to address this in the spring
  3. Will Stodden Scholarship we have the funds now and we are paying the scholarship.

  Moved by:                  Motion                                               Second                Approval

Upcoming Activites and Approved Projects:                                                                        

                                         Date          Location                                         Chairman

Franklin Elementary Cookout Oct 21 Franklin Elementary Lion Bob Brewer
Strauss Fall Fundriser Oct 22 Laguna Town Hall Lion Andy
General Meeting Oct 24 Senior Center Cook – Lion Sharon
Carnitas Fundraiser Oct 28 EG Park Pavilion Lion Lorene & Lion Jay
EGHS Drill Team Spaghetti Feed Nov 12
November Thanksgiving Dinner Nov 14 Senior Center Cook – Lion Jim S
November Board Meeting Nov 21 Senior Center Lion Sharon to cover
No November 28th Meeting
December Crab Feed Dec 3 SES Hall Lion Sharon
December Christmas Dinner Dec 12 Senior Center Cook – Lion Don
December Board Meeting Dec 19 Senior Center
No December 26th Meeting
Student Speaker Contest Feb 13/27 Senior Center Lions Rick & John Jr.

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:          7:45    PM

Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Bob Shipley. He may be reached by email at  or by phone at 916-685-2426:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Jack Edwards 240-9302

Secretary: Lorene Fuhs

1st VP: Charlie Brummer 949-5519

2nd VP: Sharon Mika 479-4954

3rd VP: Brad Dano

Treasurer: Warren Weaver

Tail Twister: Agustin Placios

Lion Tamer: Jay Strong

1 Year Dir: Jim Switzgable 684-7700

1 Year Dir: Don Thompson 600-9884

2 Year Dir: Marv Neill 685-9878

2 Year Dir: Al Jauregui

Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753

Past Pres: Bob Brewer 686-7084

Public Relations: Pancho Sanchez 595-9103
Stag Editor: Bob Shipley 685-2426

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

7:00 pm Meeting

Papa’s Pizza

505 C Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm

The Old Spaghetti Factory

7727 Laguna Blvd.

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Chris Joyce Heather
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Vanita Kumari Harjeet
John Lorraine Debbie
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Jack Megna


Name Spouse
Sharon Mika
John Muggee Rebecca
Rebecca Muggee John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Agustin Placios
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
Bob Shipley
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jeylon Strong
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
Isaac White Amy
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

International President
Chancellor Robert ‘Bob’ Corlew

“New Mountains to Climb”

2015-2016 KumarKalagara
District Governor Kumar Kalagara
“Sustainable Service” Through Lionism

District Governor

Kumar Kalagara (Lion Sandhya)

Folsom CityHost Lions Club
Cell: 916-337-0914


1st Vice District Governor

Thomas “Nick” McNichols

Esparto Lions



2nd Vice District Governor

Doug Wight
Nevada City Lions


Email: 2vdg@district4c5

Cabinet Secretary

Cecilia Macias
Metropolitan Lions Club

Cabinet Treasurer

Scott Rogalski
Land Park Breakfast Lions Club


Sactramento Region Chair

Zenny Yagen


Sutter Zone Chair

Victoria Debord


District Pride Editor

Susan Lee Giles


District Webmaster

Jack Edwards
Elk Grove Lions Club

October 2016 Stag

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 66 Issue # 4  October 2016

We Serve


President Jack Edwards

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

Lion President Jack Edwards

     Thanks to Lion Sharon Mika and the rest of the board for covering for me during my absence for most of September. I really appreciate having such a great team. We started the month earning a little income for the club with the Shortline Lake Dinner on September 3rd, thanks to Lion Sharon and Lion Don. We had a successful Senior Center Breakfast on the 10th. On the 24th of September, Lion Rick coordinated the Valley High School Reunion Dinner as a fundraiser for the club. Thanks Lion Rick and crew.

     In lieu of our 4th Monday meeting on the 26th at the Barn Cafe, Lion Tom, with help from Lions Bill, Pancho & Warren, will be hosting our Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser. Several other Lions were there to help serve. Lion Lorene provided a selection of deserts for sale.Thanks to all who supported this fundraiser by buying tickets, selling tickets or serving at the event, or even doing all three.  I don’t have a final tally, but we should have done well with this fundraiser.

     Coming up soon will be our support of the Elk Grove Pumpkin Festival on the 1st & 2nd of October. Lion Dano and his crew will handle parking control as part of our agreement with the Elk Grove CSD which provides space for our equipment storage. On our 2nd Monday of the month meeting at the Senior Center we will be hosting the District Governor and part of his staff. Please plan on attending so that we can give a great welcome to our new District Governor.

     We will need assistance at the Senior Center Breakfast on the 8th, so please check in with Lion Jim and Lion Don to give them a hand.

Later in the month, we will have a big fundraiser at the Pavilion at Elk Grove Park. We will have our Day of The Dead, Carnitas Festival. Lions Lorene and Jay are putting it together and will need your assistance with ticket sales. Please plan to pick up a sheet of 8 tickets on Monday the 10th or earlier and get the tickets sold. We need this fundraiser to be successful so that we can provide support for several community projects that are awaiting funding.

     I hope to see all of you at our upcoming activities.

Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Program Meeting: 7:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month (except November & December)
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

General Meeting: 7:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except November & December)
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:30PM

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Click Here For More District and Zone News

Click Here to see our Calendar (It is now a live calendar, not a static calendar.)

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos:

Contact Lion Lorene for tickets or Click Here to order tickets online

Recent article in the Elk Grove Citizen

Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:

Please keep Lion Dave Simpson in your prayers. He had a stroke in June and is recuperating at home.

Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support. He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Taka Blackburn, Bob Brewer, David Ogden, Tom Anderson, Lewis Flint



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Dave Ogden, Tom Anderson

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

October 10th – Senior Center/Governor’s Visit – Lion Pancho

October 24 – Senior Center – Sharon Mika

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


Board Meeting Minutes
Date ___9/19/16________
Call to order __________  pm                   Lion 2nd Vice President:  Sharon Mika 6:30
President: Jack Edwards X Secretary: Lorene Fuhs
1st VP:  Charlie Brummer Bulletin Editor: Bob Shipley
X 2nd VP: Sharon Mika Tail Twister: Agustin Placios
X 3rd VP: Brad Dano X Treasurer: Warren Weaver
Lion Tamer: Jeylon Strong X 2-Year Director: Marv Neill
X 1-Year Director: Jim Switzgable X 2-Year Director: Al Jauregui
X 1-Year Director: Don Thompson X Membership Director: Dan Pearson
Imm Past Pres: Bob Brewer X Public Relations: Pancho Sanchez
Other Lions Present Guests Kristin Chavez EGHS Drill Team
Joe Talerico
Rick Schriver
Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Secretary Lorene Fuhs:
Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion _____________ second by Lion  ________   approved Warren Second by Lion Jim Approved
Treasurer Report byLion Treasurer Warren Weaver:
Admin: $ __________ 1305.07 Project Sub Accts:
Project: $ __________ 19979.28 Equipment:  $                                   19,097.20
Total  $ ____________ 21284.35 FFA:  $                                         71.02
Projects:  $                                       811.06
Correspondence: (see folder)
Committee Updates
Eyesight:  Lion Dave King No report
Sunshine: Lion Shelli Pearson No report
Assets/Equipment: Lion Don Thompson The equipment is getting used
Membership: Lion Dan Pearson No report
Visitation: Lion Pancho Sanchez Working on a visitation for Galt

Elk Grove Lions Foundation

Old Business / Chairperson’s Reports

Date Chairman/motion notes
Shortline Lake Dinner Sept 3rd Mika Served 60 ppl, 14 Lions worked $700 donation
Senior Center Breakfasts Sept 10th Switzgable served 128 ppl
Football Pool Sept 12th Bob Turner no report
Valley High Dinner Sept 24th Rick Schriver 5 Lions working/ sold 75 tickets at this time
Updates on previously approved projects:
Check to Habitat for Humanity The Treasurer is waiting for a invoice from Habitat for Humanity to pay
funds.  He is checking with Bill Kirkland if he had anything from the
Spaghetti Dinner at The Barn Sept 26th Tom Sold 100 tickets so far.  We can sell up until Monday Morning
Day of the Dead Carnitas Dinner Oct 28th Jeylon/Lorene tickets ready for sale
CSD Giant Pumpkin Festival E G Park – Parking Oct 1-2 Brad Dano 6 Lions needed for parking between 9 -3pm Lion Brad planning on having 2 shifts
Recipes to Lion Dan Dan Pearson we need 150 recipes to make book and at this time we have only 50 recipes
New Business:
1 Where are we going to hold future meetings.  Although I know that there have been issues with our being at the
Senior Center, I am not in support of ending that relationship. With that said, the prior board did agree that the board
meeting and the 4th Monday meetings for the months of July, August and September would be held at The Barn Café.
The board needs to decide if it wishes to make a permanent change in our meeting schedule and locations.  The board
has a couple of options: 1. Do nothing and we will continue to meet for all three monthly meetings at the Senior Center.
Of course, we would need to tell Lion Tom what we are doing and I would after my return to Elk Grove, meet with Pat
to let her know as well. 2.  The board can move to change our meeting locations based upon a motion from the board
and of course, a vote of the board. If the board chooses this option, I would need to make a formal notification to the
 Senior Center, giving them our 30 day notice. If we chose this option, we will should probably still have our
October 10th meeting at the Senior Center since the District Governor is visiting our meeting that night. We would also
need to plan to still do the breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of October. I will stand by the board’s decision,
whichever way it goes. Voted and Approved
The Board voted on not making a decision on the Senior Center until January.
 We will have all meeting till then at Senior Center
Cooks for October 10th (Governor Visit)  Pancho
Cook for October 24th Sharon
Set November and December meeting schedule. (One holiday dinner meeting & the board meeting)
November and December Meetings  Voted and approved
November Dinner meeting November 14th      Cook Jim
November Board Meeting Novemeber 21st
December Dinner meeting December 12th       cook Don
December Board Meeting December 19th
Request from Sophia Sherman for 1000 hot dogs and 1000 buns for the Veterans Day Event.
We decided we are not able to accommodate at this time.
I received an update from the Elk Grove Regional Scholarship Foundation. Our endowment is currently at $45,350.
With that endowment, we can provide one scholarship for $2,000 or 2 scholarships for $1,000 each.
Voted and approved that we will do 2 scholarships for $1000 each
New Business: Cont.
Update on income taxes situation from the Treasurer
Lion Warren contacted the IRS and was told our act was in collections.  We were on the verge of losing our
Non profit status.  We had a back bill from filing a late tax return from 2013-2014.
 Because it wasn’t taken care of in a timely maner we now have a bill of $2861.10
The bill had to be paid and was.
Request from the Strauss Festival to provide the Bar for their October 22nd event at the Laguna Town Hall.
I have been advised that Lion Andy already has this event on his planning calendar and is available to do it.
Voted and Approved
Request from Lion Rick Schriver to use 60 of our folding chairs on the 24th of September.
Voted and Approved
Request from Lion Rick Schriver regarding sponsorship of veteran banner.  We have a local citizen who wishes to
sponsor the cost for a banner to recognize a Lion who is a veteran. There is no cost to the club. The club only has to
decide if we wish to name one of our members, who is a veteran, to be so honored.
Secretary is sending email to members to see if we have any veteran we are missing on our list.
We will do a drawing to pick our member.  Lion Rick is contacting the City  of EG to tell them we are
interested to have one of our veterans honored.
Requested Labor and equipment for  Franklin Elementary School Harvest Festival October 21st.  Bob Brewer will chair
Voted and Approved
EGHS Drill Team request for cooks for Spaghetti and salad for their annual spaghetti feed.  They need labor and equipent
Event is November 12, 6-9pm at EGHS
Voted and Approved
Received request from the District seeking our participation in the International Food Fair by hosting a booth and
providing food as well as buying tickets to support the event. His request was sent to the Secretary and the President.
As far as I know, we have not participated by hosting a booth and providing food in the recent past.
The club has purchased tickets and used them as raffle tickets at our dinner meetings.
The board has voted and approved not to participate or buy ticket for this event
With the stepping down of Lion Charlie as 1st VP,  the Board has voted and approved
that the 2nd VP and 3rd VP will move up and it was motioned and 2nd that the Dan Pearson
will take over the 3rd VP position
1st VP Sharon Mika
2nd VP Brad Dano
3rd VP  Dan Pearson
   Moved by: Motion  Second Approved
Change Meeting Location Lion Warren Lion Jim all
Dogs & Buns for Veterans Day Pass all
1 scholarship @ $2000 or 2 scholarships @ $1,000? 2 scholarship @ $1000 Lion Warren Lion Lorene all
Bar for Strauss Lion Warren Lion Jim all
Chairs for Lion Rick Lion Warren Lion Brad all
Identify Veteran for banner
Participate in Food Fair no Participation Lion Brad Lion Warren all
Buy tickets for Food Fair no Participation Lion Brad Lion Warren all
Franklin Elementary Harvest Festival Lion Pancho Lion Lorene all
EGHS Drill Team Spaghetti Feed Chair Pancho and Warren Lion Pancho Lion Lorene all
1st VP, 2nd VP, 3VP move up Lion Warren Lion Lorene all
Adjournment: 7:45   PM
Items to Address at our next Board Meeting
2 Will Stodden Scholarship
3 Lion Cook Book Recipes to Lion Dan
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Bob Shipley. He may be reached by email at  or by phone at 916-685-2426:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Jack Edwards 240-9302

Secretary: Lorene Fuhs

1st VP: Charlie Brummer 949-5519

2nd VP: Sharon Mika 479-4954

3rd VP: Brad Dano

Treasurer: Warren Weaver

Tail Twister: Agustin Placios

Lion Tamer: Jay Strong

1 Year Dir: Jim Switzgable 684-7700

1 Year Dir: Don Thompson 600-9884

2 Year Dir: Marv Neill 685-9878

2 Year Dir: Al Jauregui

Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753

Past Pres: Bob Brewer 686-7084

Public Relations: Pancho Sanchez 595-9103
Stag Editor: Bob Shipley 685-2426

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

7:00 pm Meeting

Papa’s Pizza

505 C Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm

The Old Spaghetti Factory

7727 Laguna Blvd.

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Chris Joyce Heather
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Vanita Kumari Harjeet
John Lorraine Debbie
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Jack Megna


Name Spouse
Sharon Mika
John Muggee Rebecca
Rebecca Muggee John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Agustin Placios
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
Bob Shipley
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jeylon Strong
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
Isaac White Amy
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

International President
Chancellor Robert ‘Bob’ Corlew

“New Mountains to Climb”

2015-2016 KumarKalagara
District Governor Kumar Kalagara
“Sustainable Service” Through Lionism

District Governor

Kumar Kalagara (Lion Sandhya)

Folsom CityHost Lions Club
Cell: 916-337-0914


1st Vice District Governor

Thomas “Nick” McNichols

Esparto Lions



2nd Vice District Governor

Doug Wight
Nevada City Lions


Email: 2vdg@district4c5

Cabinet Secretary

Cecilia Macias
Metropolitan Lions Club

Cabinet Treasurer

Scott Rogalski
Land Park Breakfast Lions Club


Sactramento Region Chair

Zenny Yagen


Sutter Zone Chair

Victoria Debord


District Pride Editor

Susan Lee Giles


District Webmaster

Jack Edwards
Elk Grove Lions Club