March 2014 Stag

Volume 63 Issue #9 March 2014

We Serve


President John Zehnder, Jr.

President’s Message Join Us
Activities Announcements
Birthdays/Anniversaries Cooks List Board Minutes Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President John Zehnder, Jr.

     The number one most important thing to talk about this month is the upcoming elections. As most of you know, I only have 4 months left of my term as President and we have to seek nominations for our officer positions as well as announce the call for nominations at our club meetings. So, if you or someone you know would like to serve as an officer for our club, please make sure to be ready when we have nominations from the floor at our March 11th meeting.

I could have started out with the March 1 Crab Feed as the most important topic, but of course by the time you receive this email, we will be cooking and serving almost 400 guests the best crab dinner available in Elk Grove.  So, instead of asking you to sell more tickets, I want to thank you for all your hard work so that our club can better serve the community because of the success of this fundraiser.

As expected, February was busy, even though it was a short 28 day month.  We started off the month with a visitation to the Mother Lode Lions in Diamond Springs to rescue our bell on February 6th. We followed that a couple of days later by cooking the breakfast at the Senior Center on the 8th,and preparing for a breakfast that didn’t happen because of the weather!  We enjoyed our first meeting on the 10th. Since we didn’t book anything for the second week of the month other than our meeting, we double booked the Blue and Gold Scouts dinner and the Pleasant Grove HS FFA Tri-tip Drive through on the 20th. On the final Sunday of the month, a group of us carpooled up to the Union Mine High School for the district meeting. A report to the club will come on the first meeting in March. We hosted a visit by the Fair Oaks club at our meeting on the 24th and spent the remainder of the week finalizing everything for the Crab Feed on March 1st.

     As always, we do need to bring in some new members to help us with our efforts to serve our community. So, please join me in bringing in a new member to the club. Ask a friend, who you believe would make a great addition to our club, to join us for dinner! My term is flying by but I am sure the club will fill the remaining time with lots of events that will make our community the great place it is to serve!!

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
District and Zone News:

Click Here For More District and Zone News For Flyers for Above Activities MarchCalendar AprilCalendar

Click to Leave Bulletin and Go to Calendar on Elk Grove Lions Website

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple The club was engaged in several fun events over the past month. Check out the following photos:
SAMSUNG Board meeting or should I say Bored meeting. 
Lions Bill, Lorene, Pancho and Charlie getting raffle tickets ready. 
PDG Gary Dapelo’s Red Sauce 
Part of the Kitchen Crew: Lions Johnny Zehnder, John Zehnder Jr., PDG Gary Dapelo, Rick Schriver 
Raffle Prize Table. Put together most professionally by Lion Jim Switzgable and his wife Debra
More Prizes
SAMSUNG What it is all about, at least for the people who bought the tickets, “The Crab” 
More Crab Please! 
2014-03-02 12.17.06
Thanks to our sponsors.I will buy one of you a drink at the next meeting if you can tell me what is wrong with 2 of the photos.
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow member, Lion Sterling. As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. His wife sent a little note along with his dues payment stating that he would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. 

Emeritus of Laguna Creek 6727 Laguna Park Drive EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881

We have two Tri-Tip drive thru events scheduled for this month. One for the Elk Grove High School and one for the Wilton 4-H. Check with Lion Weaver or Lion Taka and lend a hand.

Next month we will be assisting at the Running of the Elk, Elk Grove’s premier half marathon that supports youth sports through the Elk Grove Youth Sports Foundation. Lend a hand at that as well. Check in with Lion Teresa.

Western Festival is just around the corner on May 3rd and 4th. 


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy March Birthday to Lions:

Dennis Weiss, Don Veninga, Bud Schafer, Dave King, Kirk Marchetti & Randy Feist



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Howard Stoll, Jack Edwards and Jim Switzgable

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

March 10 – Swiss Night – John Zehnder Sr. March 24 – Lion Dave???

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


February 17, 2014

Call to order                       Lion President:  John Zehnder, Jr.                               7:00 PM


X President: John Zehnder, Jr. X Secretary: Warren Weaver
X 1st VP:  Teresa Rodriquez X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
X 2nd VP: Bob Brewer Ab. Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd VP: Ray Martinez. X Treasurer: Fred Handley
Ab Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika X 2-Year Director: Pancho Sanchez
X 1-Year Director: Taka Blackburn X 2-Year Director: Bill Hibbard
X 1-Year Director: Marv Neill X Membership Director: Gary Dapelo
X Immediate Past Pres: Randy Feist

Other Lions Present:

DG Andy Anderson
Charlie Brummer


 Ron Gangl-future member
Michael Krogen-Wilton 4-H

Secretary Report:  Lion Secretary Warren Weaver Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion Fred Handley and second by Lion Pancho Sanchez

Treasurer Report: Lion Treasurer Fred Handley

Motion to accept Bob Brewer and second by Pancho Sanchez

   Admin: $2715.24       FFA: $ 1335.59           Foundation: $3858.34

(Project and FFA are separated) Correspondence: (see folder)

  Thank you from:
Elk Grove Musical Theater Company
Pleasant Grove Elementary School
 Florence Markofer Elementary School

Committee Updates

Membership: Gary Dapelo Possible 3 new members-looking into a joint membership drive with Pride of Laguna Creek
Sunshine: Fred Handley David King had knee surgery-doing fantastic.  His son Carney got accepted to U of O
Visitation: Sharon Mika Absent
Eyesight: Dave King Absent
Assets: Don Thompson Absent

 Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:                                                           Date          Chairman                                  Notes

 New Business:                                                   Motion                 Second                  Approval

Pleasant Grove elementary father-daughter dance on 3/21/14 Postponed until 2/24 general meeting
Nominations for 2014-2015 officers are now open-elections will be March 24, 2014 John,Jr. to appoint a nominating comm.
EGHS car show-more information at next board meeting No action taken
Tri-tip/chicken dinner for 300 Sherif volunteers.  Waiting for more information. No action taken
$200 approved to give Elle Kuechler Van Acker a plaque for supplying student speaker contestants for over 20 years Gary Dapelo Jack Edwards Yes
Donate to LEF $750 which will be returned to help buy buckles for the Sacramento County Fair Fred Handley Jack Edwards Yes
Franklin PTA pancake breakfast on 4/5/14.  Labor and equipment only.  Approved pending finding a chairperson Pancho Sanchez Bob Brewer Yes
Running of the Elk carb-up dinner on 4/4/14.  Labor and equipment only.  Teresa Rodriques is chairperson Jack Edwards Marv Neill Yes

Upcoming Events:                                              Date          Location                                  Notes

 Elk Grove Lions Crab feed 3/1/14 SES hall Bob Brewer
EGHS awards night pasta dinner 3/3/14 EGHS Taka Blackburn
Celtic Irish tea 3/8/14 Delta Lions  John, Jr.
EG Lions pancake breakfast 3/8/14 Senior Center Jim Switzgable
EG Community/PATH drive thru tri-tip dinner. 3/11/14 Pleasant Grove  H.S. Warren Weaver
EGHS track drive thru tri-tip dinner  3/26/14 EGHS Warren Weaver
Wilton 4-H tri-tip dinner 3/29/14 Alta Mesa Gun Club  Taka Blackburn
Franklin PTA pancake breakfast 4/5/14 Franklin elementary Need a chairperson
Running of the Elk carb-up pasta dinner 4/4/14 Consumnes Oaks H.S. Teresa Rodriquez
Running of the Elk 4/6/14 EG Auto mall  Teresa Rodriquez
Elk Grove Lions pancake breakfast 4/12/14 Senior Center Jim SwitzGABLE
Jessie Baker games 4/23 and 24 Jessie Baker school Bill Hibbard
Golf Tournament 4/25 Emerald Lakes DG Andy Anderson
Sheldon H.S. Sober Grad Night fundraiser 4/26/14 Sheldon H.S. Rick Schriver
EGHS Senior Sunset 5/22/14 EGHS Cafeteria Warren Weaver
Sheldon H.S. Senior pancake breakfast 5/23/14 First Baptist Church Fred Handley
Melvin Jones Dinner 6/14/14 Woodland DG Andy Anderson
Good of the Order:

Adjournment @8:15 PM Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1. Bingo
  2. Schrivers boat
  3. Leo Club
  4. Club fundraiser
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: John Zehnder  690-4934

Secretary: Warren Weaver 715-9636

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st Vice President: Teresa Rodriquez 606-3905

2nd Vice President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

3rd Vice President: Raymond Martinez 709-2101

Treasurer: Fred Handley 628-9770

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika 479-4954

One Year Director: Taka Blackburn 686-6696

One Year Director: Marv Neill 685-9878

Two Year Director: Pancho Sanchez 997-0093

Two YearDirector: Bill Hibbard 956-5860

Membership Director: Gary Dapelo 685-7642

Immediate Past President: Randy Feist 825-8972

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club 2 Thursdays, 7 am Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course 8301 Freeport Blvd. Sacramento Galt Lions Club 2 & 4 Thursdays 6:00 pm Social 7:00 pm Meeting Papa’s Pizza 505 C Street, Galt Pride of Laguna 2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm The Old Spaghetti Factory 7727 Laguna Blvd. Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses was Emailed to Each Member
Nickname Last Name   Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Gary Dapelo Laurie
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr. Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr. Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr. Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Ray Martinez Connie
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Nickname Last Name   Spouse
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearson Shelli
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr. Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga Linda
Vernon Vincent Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr. Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple
Photo of International President FollowYourDream240pix

International President Barry J Palmer “Follow Your Dream”

District Governor Andy Anderson

District Governor

Lion Andy Anderson

Elk Grove Lions

12695 Apricot Lane

Wilton, California, 95693

Res: (916) 687-8133

Cell: (916) 955-3882


1st Vice District Governor

Lion Erv Gon (Lion Cat)

Embarcadero Lions Club

32 Sunlit Circle, Sac, Ca 95831

Res.916 427-5747

2nd Vice District Governor

Lion Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club Cell: 916-225-8321 Res: 916-681-9726



Cabinet Secretary

Lion Donna Prince (Brad)

Higgins Diggins Lions Club Cell: 530-305-8077


Cabinet Treasurer

Lion Fred Handley

Elk Grove Lions Club Cell: 916-628-9770


Sacto Region Chair

Lion John Vermeltfoort (Lion Laurel)

Galt Lions Club Res: 209-365-6573


Sutter Zone Chair

Lion Sheri Retzlaff (2nd VDG Mike)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club Cell:916-225-0126


District Pride Editor

Lion Laurie Dapelo (PDG Gary)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club Res: 916-685-7642

©  Elk Grove Lions Club

February 2014 Stag

Volume 63 Issue #8 February 2014

We Serve


President John Zehnder, Jr.

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President John Zehnder, Jr.

     January was a fun and busy month. Of course, we had the breakfast at the Senior Center on the 11th, then our first meeting on the 13th. We had a contingent from the foster youth group there to talk about their program. We also presented our check to the firefighters burn institute. You can check out the photos below. To finish off the evening, our friends from the Mother Lode Lions in Diamond Springs captured our bell which led us to schedule a visitation to their club on the February 6th. We expect to have a number of us visit them and have a great time retrieving our bell!

     Instead of a regular dinner meeting on the 27th, we had our Annual Lions Club Speaker Contest.  The speakers were very good and we are looking forward to seeing our winner at the Zone contest on the 25th of February. Check in with your Sutter Zone Chair, Sheri Retzlaff to see if she needs assistance with the contest. It will be held in the Senior Center. Her contact info is at the bottom of the newsletter. The contest was followed by some great spaghetti thanks to Lion Weaver and his crew.

      Some of our members joined the Roseville Host Lions Club at the LEF Soup and Salad event on the last day of the month. As usual, the food and camaraderie were great. We finished the month with a spaghetti feed for over 400 for a Markofer Elementary fundraiser that was very successful.
    We are working hard to have a sell out at our March Crab Feed by the middle of February. Tickets can be purchased online on our website at So keep up the great effort to get all those tickets sold! We look forward to seeing you at a meeting in February. We have a few events that we are gearing up for; so make every effort you can to join in.

     Join me in bringing in a new member to the club. Ask a friend, who you believe would make a great addition to our club, to join us for dinner! Have a great Valentine’s Day with that special someone and a great month.

     One final thought, although I have been your president for only 7 months, it is time to think about the next administration. Begin thinking of Lions or yourself to nominate for next year’s officers. I wish to open nominations by our next general meeting.

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
District and Zone News:

  • Sutter Zone Speaker Contest – February 25th 
  • Delta Lions Tea — March 8th

Click Here For More District and Zone News For Flyers for Above Activities


Click to Leave Bulletin and Go to Calendar on Elk Grove Lions Website

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
The club was engaged in several fun events over the past month. Check out the following photos:
Senior Center Pancake Breakfast on January 11th
Cooking Crew for the Senior Center Pancake Breakfast: Lions John, Ray, Jim, Sharon +2
Firefighters Burn Institute Check: Chief Tracy Hansen, Mark Wellendorf, Jim Doucette, Lion John
Catherine Dessert for Foster Youth at our January 13th meeting
CA Youth Connection’s Andrew Maestras speaking out for foster youth, January 13th 
Speaker Contest: Lion Rick, Kaitlin Cagle, Olivia Newell, Asia Solano,
Winner Johanna Martin, Mary Swanberg and Lion John
PGD Gary Dapelo and DG Andy Anderson at the LEF Soup and Salad Event
 PCC Richard Wilmot at the LEF Soup and Salad Event
 PDG Derek Ledda and friends at the LEF Soup and Salad Event
 2nd Vice DG Mike Retzlaff at the LEF Soup and Salad Event
PGD Derek’s Club Specialty, Lumpia… Oh So Good, at the LEF Soup and Salad Event
Lion Laurie Dapelo and Lion Franklin Anderson at the LEF Soup and Salad Event
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow member, Lion Sterling. As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. His wife sent a little note along with his dues payment stating that he would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. 

Emeritus of Laguna Creek
6727 Laguna Park Drive
EG, CA. 95758


Our first big fundraising event of the year is set for the first Saturday in March, our Spring Crab Feed. Tickets are available online, so you can start sending people to the website to get their tickets. FLYER


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Warren Weaver



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Andy Anderson, Gary Dapelo and Joe Tallerico

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

February 10 – Shuana Ono
February 24 – Dave Ogden(Moved from Jan 27th)
March 10 – Swiss Night – John Zehnder Sr.
March 24 – Pancho

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


January 20, 2014

 Call to order                       Lion President:  John Zehnder, Jr.                               7:00 PM


X President: John Zehnder, Jr. X Secretary: Warren Weaver
Ab. 1st VP:  Teresa Rodriquez X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
X 2nd VP: Bob Brewer X Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd VP: Ray Martinez. X Treasurer: Fred Handley
X Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika X 2-Year Director: Pancho Sanchez
X 1-Year Director: Taka Blackburn X 2-Year Director: Bill Hibbard
X 1-Year Director: Marv Neill X Membership Director: Gary Dapelo
X Immediate Past Pres: Randy Feist

Other Lions Present:

Bob Turner, Dave King
Jim Switzgable, Rick Schriver
DG Andy Anderson


Bob Shipley of Troop 59

Secretary Report                            Lion Secretary Warren Weaver

Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion Fred Handley and second by Lion Randy Feist–Approved

Treasurer Report: Lion Treasurer Fred Handley Motion to accept by Lion Marv Neill and second by Lion Sharon Mika–Approved

Project: $6513.07    Admin: $4354.25    FFA: $ 955.59     Encumbered: $ 0

(Project amount includes FFA in the total)

Correspondence: (see folder)

 Thank yous from: Wellspring
Edna Batey elementary school  Nicks ride to remember
Firefighter burn institute

Committee Updates

Membership: Gary Dapelo No report
Sunshine: Fred Handley David Simpson and Bob Turners wife both feeling better
Visitation: Sharon Mika Visitation on Feb. 6 to Mother Lode
Eyesight: Dave King 10 VSP vouchers given out this month
Assets: Don Thompson Absent

Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:

                                                          Date          Chairman                                  Notes

Crab Feed 12/7/13 T. Rodriquez Made approximately $6600

 New Business:                                                      Motion              Second                  Approval

Donate $250 to send a Foster youth child to their convention in February Taka Blackburn Fred Handley Yes
Donate $50 to EGHS drill team-they are also looking for a coach for next year if anyone is interested Homeless Bill Sharon Mika Yes
Donate $500 to Elk Grove Musical theater company Pancho Bill Hibbard Yes
Help Strauss with a wine and art event in October Jack Edwards Marv Neill Yes
Labor and equipment only for Barbara Grueneberg fundraiser drive thru tri-tip dinner on 2/5/14 Pancho Bob Brewer Yes
Labor and equipment only for Pleasant Grove FFA driver thru tri-tip dinner on 2/20/14 Fred Handley Bob Brewer Yes
Labor and equipment only for EG Community PATH/INTERACT club drive thru dinner to be held at PGHS on 3/11/14 Bob Brewer Taka Blackburn Yes
Labor and equipment for EGHS track drive thru tri-tip dinner on 3/26/14 Jack Edwards Taka Blackburn Yes
Up to $950 for Jessie Baker games on 4/23 and 4/24 Vote passesd that Chairwoman Wild Bill has to pay for anything he spends over $950.  Receipts on napkins are not allowed. Taka Blackburn Bob Brewer Yes
Give John Bernatchy of Troop 59 two free tickets to 3/1/14 crab feed for his dedication to troop 59 and the EG Lions Club Taka Blackburn Bob Brewer Yes
$200 and labor and equipment for EGHS senior sunser pasta dinner on 5/22/14 Randy Feist Bill Hibbard Yes
Pay for up to 3 people to be finger printed and police background check to run bingo at Western Festival. Takatomuch Blackburn Sharon Mika Yes
Labor and equipment for Melvin Jones dinner on 6/14 Pancho Bill Hibbard Yes

Upcoming Events:                                              Date          Location                                  Chairperson

 Fundraiser drive thru tri-tip dinner for Barbara Grueneberg scholarship 2/5/14 Elk Grove High School Warren Weaver
Visitation to Mother Lode Lions club-drinks on President John, Jr. 2/6/14 Meet at 5 p.m. at Cassidys parking lot Sharon Mika
Lacrosse pancake breakfast 2/8/14 Bartholomew Sports Center Bill Hibbard
EG Lions pancake breakfast 2/8/14 Senior Center  Jim Switzgable
Regular dinner meeting 2/10/14 Senior Center Cook-Shauna Ono
. Board meeting 2/17/14 Senior Center John, Jr.
Cub pack 179 pasta dinner  2/20/14 Edna Batey elem. Taka Blackburn
PGHS drive thru tri-tip dinner 2/20/14 PGHS Ag dept  Warren Weaver
District Cabinet meeting 2/23/14 All Lions
Regular dinner meeting 2/24//14 Senior Center
Lions Club crab feed 3/1/14 SES Hall Bob Brewer
EGHS awards night pasta dinner 3/3/14 EGHS  Taka Blackburn
Celtic Irish tea 3/8/14 Delta Lions John, Jr.
EG Lions pancake breakfast 3/8/14 Senior Center Jim Switzgable
EG Community PATH drive thru tri-tip fundraiser 3/11/14 PGHS Cafeteria Warren Weaver
EGHS track drive thru tri-tip dinner 3/26/14 EGHS cafeteria Warren Weaver
Wilton 4-H tri-tip dinner 3/29/14 Alta Mesa Gun Club Taka Blackburn
Running of the Elk 4/6/14 EG Auto Mall Teresa rODriquez
Jesse Baker games 4/23 and 24/14 Jesse Baker school Bill Hibbard
Golf tournament 4/25/14 Emerald Lakes DG Andy Anderson
Sheldon High sober grad night fundraiser 4/26/14 Sheldon H.S. Rick Schriver
EGHS Senior Sunset 5/22/14 EGHS Cafeteria Warren Weaver
Sheldon H.S. Senior pancake breakfast 5/23/14 First Baptist Church Fred Handley
Melvin Jones dinner 6/14/14 Woodland DG Andy Anderson

Good of the Order:

Adjournment @ 9:15 PM—this could be the longest board meeting in EG Lions history

Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1.  Western Festival bingo
  2. Rick Schrivers boat?
  3.  Leo club
  4. International literacy program
  5. Carnitas fundraiser for our club
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA 95759


President: John Zehnder  690-4934

Secretary: Warren Weaver 715-9636

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st Vice President: Teresa Rodriquez 606-3905

2nd Vice President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

3rd Vice President: Raymond Martinez 709-2101

Treasurer: Fred Handley 628-9770

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika 479-4954

One Year Director: Taka Blackburn 686-6696

One Year Director: Marv Neill 685-9878

Two Year Director: Pancho Sanchez 997-0093

Two YearDirector: Bill Hibbard 956-5860

Membership Director: Gary Dapelo 685-7642

Immediate Past President: Randy Feist 825-8972

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club
2 Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
7:00 pm Meeting
Papa’s Pizza
505 C Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm
The Old Spaghetti Factory
7727 Laguna Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses was Emailed to Each Member
Nickname Last Name   Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Gary Dapelo Laurie
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr. Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr. Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr. Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Ray Martinez Connie
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel


Nickname Last Name   Spouse
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearson Shelli
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr. Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga Linda
Vernon Vincent Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr. Linda


District Contact Info UpArrowPurple
Photo of International President FollowYourDream240pix

International President Barry J Palmer
“Follow Your Dream”

District Governor Andy Anderson

District Governor

Lion Andy Anderson

Elk Grove Lions

12695 Apricot Lane

Wilton, California, 95693

Res: (916) 687-8133

Cell: (916) 955-3882


1st Vice District Governor

Lion Erv Gon (Lion Cat)

Embarcadero Lions Club

32 Sunlit Circle,
Sac, Ca 95831

Res.916 427-5747

2nd Vice District Governor

Lion Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726



Cabinet Secretary

Lion Donna Prince (Brad)

Higgins Diggins Lions Club
Cell: 530-305-8077


Cabinet Treasurer

Lion Fred Handley

Elk Grove Lions Club
Cell: 916-628-9770


Sacto Region Chair

Lion John Vermeltfoort (Lion Laurel)

Galt Lions Club
Res: 209-365-6573


Sutter Zone Chair

Lion Sheri Retzlaff (2nd VDG Mike)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club


District Pride Editor

Lion Laurie Dapelo (PDG Gary)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Res: 916-685-7642

©  Elk Grove Lions Club

January 2014 Stag

Volume 63 Issue #7 January 2014

We Serve


President John Zehnder, Jr.

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President John Zehnder, Jr.

     As usual, we had a great December. Starting off with our Annual December Crab Feed on December 7th. Not quite a sell out, but pretty close. Everyone I talked with had a great time and really enjoyed the food. We also had a great Christmas Dinner for our members and their families. Not very many kids this year though. We collected hundreds of dollars and canned goods for the food bank; so thanks to all who attended and donated.

     In January, we already have a busy schedule in place. Of course, we have the breakfast at the Senior Center on the 11th, then our first meeting on the 13th. This meeting promises to be very busy. We have a speaker from foster youth scheduled to talk and we will do a presentation of our check to the firefighters burn institute. There maybe some guest Lions as well! Look for the agenda for the next general meeting in the next few days!  Our board meeting is set for the 20th followed by the Stockton Crab Feed and a Spaghetti feed for a local elementary school on the 24th.

     Instead of a regular dinner meeting on the 27th, plan on joining us for our Annual Lions Club Speaker Contest.  Be there to cheer for our local high school students as they compete for recognition and contest winnings to support their college career. Hopefully one of our local speakers will make it to the State finals.

     As we say goodbye to 2013, I know that we will move forward in 2014 with more support for our local community in the new year. We will be looking to add a few new members as well. Let’s start the year off right by selling out our March Crab Feed by the middle of February. Tickets an be purchased online on our website at  So I hope that you all had a great holiday and look forward, as I do, to a prosperous New Year!!

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership


Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
District and Zone News:

  • Penn Valley Crab Feed, January 24th and 25th
  • 4C5 Convention Committee Meeting – 2750 24th Street, Sacramento, CA 3:00 PM, January 12th

Click Here For More District and Zone News For Flyers for Above Activities

Click to Leave Bulletin and Go to Calendar on Elk Grove Lions Website

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
The club was engaged in several fun events over the past month. Check out the following photos:
District Governor Andy Anderson Presenting Service Award to Lion Jim Parino
Cooking Crew for Christmas Dinner; Lions LuLu, John Sr., Don, Jim and Sharon
101_0876Part of the Cooking Crew for Christmas Dinner; Lions LuLu, Jim, John Sr., and Don
Bartenders: Lion Rebecca and Lion John
Part of the Christmas Dinner Crowd
More of the Christmas Dinner Crowd
Santa’s Elf, Lion Sharon and Santa, Lion Matt
IMG_1501A future 3rd generation Lion member, the grandson of District Governor Andy, with Santa
Grandma Julie King with her grandson, another one of our newest future members with Santa
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow member, Lion Sterling. As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. His wife sent a little note along with his dues payment stating that he would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. 

Emeritus of Laguna Creek
6727 Laguna Park Drive
EG, CA. 95758


Our first big fundraising event of the year is set for the first Saturday in March, our Spring Crab Feed. Tickets are available online, so you can start sending people to the website to get their tickets. FLYER


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy January Birthday to Lions:

John Zehnder Sr., John Jackson, Vernon Vincent, Jim Parino, Bill Heston



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Dave King, Dennis Weiss, John Zehnder Sr., Rick Schriver

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

January 13 – Ray Martinez
January 27 –
Speech Contest, No Dinner.
February 10 – Shuana Ono
February 24 – Dave Ogden(Moved from Jan 27th)
March 10 – Swiss Night – John Zehnder Sr.
March 24 – Pancho

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple

December 9, 2013

Call to order                       Lion President:  John Zehnder, Jr.                               7:00 PM


X President: John Zehnder, Jr. X Secretary: Warren Weaver
X 1st VP:  Teresa Rodriquez X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
X 2nd VP: Bob Brewer AB Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd VP: Ray Martinez. X Treasurer: Fred Handley
AB Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika X 2-Year Director: Pancho Sanchez
X 1-Year Director: Taka Blackburn X 2-Year Director: Bill Hibbard
X 1-Year Director: Marv Neill X Membership Director: Gary Dapelo
AB Immediate Past Pres: Randy Feist

Other Lions Present:

DG Andy Anderson
Don Thompson
Jim Switzgable


 Juanita Pieterson from EGHS
Sandy Halverson from Cub Pack 179
Taka Blackburn

Secretary Report                            Lion Secretary Warren Weaver

Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion Pancho and second by Lion Bill Hibbard.

Treasurer Report: Lion Treasurer Fred Handley

Motion to accept Fred Handley—No Report

Project: $________    Admin: $ __________ FFA: $ _________     Encumbered: $ ___________

 (Project and FFA are separated)

Correspondence: (see folder)

  Thank you from Lions Camp

Committee Updates

Membership: Gary Dapelo Need to have a membership drive
Sunshine: Fred Handley—   Flowers to David Simpson, Bob Hillyer and Bill Hibbard family
Visitation: Sharon Mika Absent
Eyesight: Dave King Absent
Assets: Don Thompson Everything good

Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:
                                                        Date          Chairman                                  Notes

Wellspring Thanksgiving lunch 11/25/13 David King and Shauna Wellspring was very appreciative of our help and donation.$120
People to People dinner 11/28/13  Gary Dapelo  .Served 800-900 people
White Cane days-collected $44 and gave out lots of information 11/30/13 Jim Switzgable Not a lot of people in the area that we were set up in.
Teen Center pancake breakfast 11/30/13 Gary Dapelo Excellent event
Lions Dec. Crab feed 12/7/13 Teresa Rodriquez

No Report

Firefighters burn institute 1/13/13

Will make $500 donation along with Pride of Laguna Creek $500 at Jan. dinner meeting

 New Business:                                                         Motion                  Second                  Approval

EG Lacrosse pancake breakfast. Labor and equipment only. Held at Bartholomew Sports Complex—Chairwoman will be Bill Hibbard Gary Dapelo Pancho Yes
Letter signed by president John,Jr. supporting EGUSD TUPE tobacco policy Marv Neill Bob Brewer Yes
Support Delta Lions Keltic Irish tea by purchasing a table of 8 for $250-$300. Gary Dapelo Bob Brewer Yes
Animal Rescue League of EG drive through tri-tip dinner-Chairperson is Teresa Rodriquez Tabled until a place and date can be found
Support Cub Pack 179 spaghetti dinner with $200, labor and equipment.-Taka Blackburn is Chair Gary Dapelo Taka Blackburn Yes
EGHS ASB awards night pasta feed.  Labor and equipment only.-Taka Blackburn will be Chair Marv Neill Bob Brewer Yes
Motion to raise March 1, 2014 Crab feed tickets to $45 because of increased costs Bob Brewer Pancho Yes
Motion to pay Crew 59 $250 for each crab feed in 2014 for setting up the tables, chairs and place settings on all the tables. Taka Blackburn Bob Brewer Yes
Motion that all agenda items pertaining to money or club policy must come before a regularly scheduled club board meeting.  Agenda items dealing with Labor and equipment only may be the exception, but is not encouraged to be the exception. Warren Weaver Gary Dapelo Yes

Upcoming Events:                                              Date          Location                                  Notes

 Senior Center pancake breakfast 1/11/2014 Senior Center of EG Jim Switzgable
Regular dinner meeting 1/13/2014 Senior Center
Board meeting 1/20/2014 Senior Center
Pleasant Grove elementary spaghetti dinner 1/24/2014 Pleasant Grove Elem. Taka Blackburn
.Stockton Crab Feed 1/24/2014 Stockton Gary Dapelo
Student Speaker contest-NO DINNER-refreshments only  1//27/2014 Senior Center Rick Schriver
Markofer elementary spaghetti dinner 1/31/2014 Elk Grove High School  Bill Hibbard and Warren Weaver
Zone meeting 2/4/2014 Dennys on the Boulevard John, Jr.
Senior Center pancake breakfast 2/8/2014 Senior Center Jim Switzgable
EG Lacrosse pancake breakfast 2/8/2014 Bartholomew Sports Cpmplez Bill Hibbard
Regular dinner meeting 2/10/2014 Senior Center-guest speaker
Board meeting 2/17/2014 Senior Center
Cub Pack 179 pasta dinner 2/20/2014 Edna Batey elementary Taka Blackburn
Regular dinner meeting-guest speaker 2/24/2014 Senior Center
Lions Club Crab feed 3/1/2014 SES Hall Bob Brewer
EGHS ASB awards night pasta dinner 3/3/2014 EGHS cafeteria Taka blackburn
Senior Center Pancake breakfast 3/8/2014 Senior Center Jim Switzgable
Delta Lions Keltic Irish Tea 3/8/2014 ??????????????????????? John, Jr.
Regular dinner meeting 3/10/2014 Senior Center
Board meeting 3/17/2014 Senior Center
Regular dinner meeting 3/24/2014 Senior Center
Wilton 4-H tri-tip dinner 3/29/2014 Alta Mesa Gun Club Rick Schriver
Running of the Elk 4/6/2014 EG Automall Teresa Rodriquez

Good of the Order:

Adjournment @ 8:40 P.M.

Items to address during our next Board Meeting

  1.  Flag day
  2. Leo club
  3. Pancho’s fundraiser for him to go to Mexico
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA 95759


President: John Zehnder  690-4934

Secretary: Warren Weaver 715-9636

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st Vice President: Teresa Rodriquez 606-3905

2nd Vice President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

3rd Vice President: Raymond Martinez 709-2101

Treasurer: Fred Handley 628-9770

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Sharon Mika 479-4954

One Year Director: Taka Blackburn 686-6696

One Year Director: Marv Neill 685-9878

Two Year Director: Pancho Sanchez 997-0093

Two YearDirector: Bill Hibbard 956-5860

Membership Director: Gary Dapelo 685-7642

Immediate Past President: Randy Feist 825-8972

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays, 7 am
Courtland Church
147 Primasing Ave.,
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
7:00 pm Meeting
Papa’s Pizza
505 C Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm
The Old Spaghetti Factory
7727 Laguna Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses was Emailed to Each Member
Nickname Last Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Gary Dapelo Laurie
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr. Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Marina Galvez
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr. Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr. Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Ray Martinez Connie
Lu Lu Martinez
Jack Megna


Nickname Last Name Spouse
Sharon Mika
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearson Shelli
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr. Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga Linda
Vernon Vincent Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
Jerry Woltring Delinda
Richard Woods Jan
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr. Linda


District Contact Info UpArrowPurple
Photo of International President FollowYourDream240pix

International President Barry J Palmer
“Follow Your Dream”

District Governor Andy Anderson

District Governor

Lion Andy Anderson

Elk Grove Lions

12695 Apricot Lane

Wilton, California, 95693

Res: (916) 687-8133

Cell: (916) 955-3882


1st Vice District Governor

Lion Erv Gon (Lion Cat)

Embarcadero Lions Club

32 Sunlit Circle,
Sac, Ca 95831

Res.916 427-5747

2nd Vice District Governor

Lion Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726



Cabinet Secretary

Lion Donna Prince (Brad)

Higgins Diggins Lions Club
Cell: 530-305-8077


Cabinet Treasurer

Lion Fred Handley

Elk Grove Lions Club
Cell: 916-628-9770


Sacto Region Chair

Lion John Vermeltfoort (Lion Laurel)

Galt Lions Club
Res: 209-365-6573


Sutter Zone Chair

Lion Sheri Retzlaff (2nd VDG Mike)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club


District Pride Editor

Lion Laurie Dapelo (PDG Gary)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Res: 916-685-7642

©  Elk Grove Lions Club