December 2015 Stag

Volume 65 Issue # 6 December 2015

We Serve


President Bob Brewer

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President Bob Brewer

     Another month has flown by and we are working to get ready for the December non crab feed. Yes, I am sure that you have heard that the California and Oregon Crab Seasons have been cancelled and we chose to go with a Tri-tip and Shrimp feed. Ticket sales have been terrible. We will be lucky to break 140 seats at our fund raiser. Please keep pushing for a few more ticket sales. Tickets are available on our website and it has been announced is on the District website as well. Check out our website, on the right side of the menu at  Make sure to contact your friends and neighbors so that we can have a successful fundraiser for the club this winter.      To start of the month, many of us attended the Citizen of the Year on November 2nd where our own Lion Warren Weaver along with his wife, Optimist Pat Weaver, were be honored as the Elk Grove Citizen of the Year. It was a great event and we were all proud to be there for Warren and Pat. Later in the week we cooked for the Elk Grove HS drill team on the 7th. Senior Center pancake breakfast was served on the 14th and several members attended the District meeting on the 21st. Thanks to Lion Don, our members enjoyed a Thanksgiving Dinner.

     As noted above, this month is focused on the annual fundraiser at the SES hall with Tri-tip being substituted for Crab. We will also be doing the pancake breakfast at the senior center, our annual Christmas Dinner for our club and managing traffic control for the Elk Grove Food Bank Christmas Dinner pickup. Another thing to remember is that because of the Christmas Holiday, we will have our Board Meeting on the 7th and our Christmas Dinner on the 14th.

     If I don’t see you at one of the upcoming events or meetings this month, I look forward to seeing all of you at our January 11th meeting. Governor Mike Retzlaff and his Cabinet will be our guests at our first general meeting of the year on the 11th and I would appreciate your attendance.

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Click Here For More District and Zone News

Click Here to see our Calendar (It is now a live calendar, not a static calendar.)

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos:
Elk Grove Citizens of the Year; Optimist Pat Weaver & Lion Warren Weaver!!!
Lion Taka & Lion Weaver
Lion Taka, his son and Lion Warren at Citizen of the Year Celebration
The Weavers and the Tallerico’s at Citizen of the Year Celebration
The Weavers and the Tallerico’s at Citizen of the Year Celebration
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:  

Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support.  He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.  

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at 8347 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 123, just north of Calvine Road.  


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Bob Turner, Marv Neill



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Don Veninga, Rigo DeLaTorre

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

December 21 – Lion Dave King, Christmas Dinner
January 11 – Lion John M ((Governor Visitation))

January 25 – Lion Bill H

February 3 – Lion Shauna

February 22 – Lion John Z Sr.

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


Board Meeting Minutes

Nov 9, 2015

Call to order 7:14  pm                    Lion President:  Robert Brewer


X President: Robert Brewer X Secretary: Rick Schriver
X 1st VP:  Jack Edwards X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Charlie Brummer Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd VP: Sharon Mika Treasurer: Bill Kirkland
Lion Tamer: Marv Neil X 2-Year Director: Jim Switzgable
X 1-Year Director: David King X 2-Year Director: Don Thompson
1-Year Director: John Muegge Membership Director: Dan Pearson
X Imm Past Pres: Poncho Sanchez

Other Lions Present:

Bill H Joe T Taka
Agustin Jack M Andy


Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Secretary Rick Schriver:  Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion King and second by Lion  Poncho;   approved

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Bill Kirkland:  ABSENT

 Equipment Fund: $xx,xxx                        Project: $x,xxx                       FFA: xxx  

Correspondence: (see folder)

Committee Updates

Eyesight:  Lion Dave King

Foundation Old Business / Chairman’s Reports / New Business:

                                                          Date                  Chairman/Motion                        Notes

Lions Tri-Tip and Shrimp Feed Dec 5th Edwards
Sheldon HS Band Spaghetti Dinner


Jan 23 Schriver
Markoffer Spaghetti

PG Aggie Boosters

DEC 23 and DEC 21

Feb 5th

Feb 27

Food Bank







Soroptimist Martini night March 18th Edwards
Franklin Elem Campout April 22
Lions Car Show April/May 2016 Lion Jack Megna

New Business:                                                         

                                                        Motion          Second                      Approval                                

Lion Chair Jack proposed TriTip and Shrimp Feed tickets to 50$ include 5 raffle tickets and reprint tickets L Kin L Poncho YES

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:     7:13  PM

Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1.  3 day weekend meetings…?



Board Meeting

Nov 9, 2015

Call to order                       Lion President:  Robert Brewer                                          7:14pm


X President: Bob Brewer X Secretary: Rick Schriver
X 1st VP:  Jack Edwards X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd Charlie Brummer Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd Sharon Mika Treasurer: Bill Kirkland
Lion Tamer: Marv Neil X 2-Year Director: Don Thompson
X 1-Year Director: Dave King X 2-Year Director: Jim Switzgable
1-Year Director: John Muegge Membership Director: Dan Pearson
X I Past Pres: Poncho Sanchez

Other Lions Present:

Secretary Report by Lion Sectary Rick:  Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion King and second by Lion ….. Poncho … approved

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Bill Kirkland… ABSENT

Admmin Act  $ XXXX

Correspondence: (see folder)

Committee Updates

Membership: Dan Pearson
Sunshine: Shelli Pearson
Visitation: Sharon Mika
Assets: Don Thompson Keys Proper People with Keys..?

Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:

                                                          Date                  Chairman                                  Notes


 New Business:                 Motion                                        Second          Approval

Club Student Speaker Contest Feb 8th Rick and John Jr Chairs
Zone contest on March 13 x
Region Contest on March 29
Dec 16 Christmas Dinner

December 7th Board Meeting

 Upcoming Events:                                          

Club Board Meeting:

  • Lion President Bob to appoint a Budget committee for this year to better anticipate cash needs and projects to fund.
  • PROPOSE Prospective members dinners are paid by Club.  We need more invitees…! PASSED

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:           7:40        PM

Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1. Lions event that Rotary will provide Labor… Several years past due for a FUN Lions Club Event
  2. Sr Ctr MOU update
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

Secretary:  Rick Schriver 425-3865

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st VP: Jack Edwards 240-9302

2nd VP: Charlie Brummer 949-5519

3rd VP: Sharon Mika 479-4954

Treasurer: Bill Kirkland 687-7986

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Marv Neill  685-9878

1 Year Dir: John Muegge 215-9787

1 Year Dir: Dave King 479-6574

2 Year Dir: Jim Switzgable 684-7700

2 Year Dir: Don Thompson 600-9884

Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753

Past Pres: Pancho Sanchez 595-9103

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

7:00 pm Meeting

Papa’s Pizza

505 C Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm

The Old Spaghetti Factory

7727 Laguna Blvd.

Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Chris Joyce Heather
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Harjeet Kumar  Vanita
Vanita Kumari  Harjeet
John Lorraine Debbie
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Name Spouse
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muggee Rebecca
Rebecca Muggee John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
Isaac White Amy
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple


International President
Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada
“Dignity, Harmony, Humanity”

2015-2016 MikeRetzlaff DGMikesLogo

District Governor Mike Retzlaff

District Governor

Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726


1st Vice District Governor

Kumar Kalagara

Folsom Host Lions Club

Cell: 916-337-0914


2nd Vice District Governor

Thomas “Nick” McNichols
Esparto Lions


Email: 2vdg@district4c5

Cabinet Secretary

Gayle Kono
Senator Lions Club

Cabinet Treasurer

John Vermeltfoort
Galt Lions Club


Sactramento Region Chair

Jeri Retzlaff

Pride of Laguna Lions Club


Sutter Zone Chair

Mat Lara


District Pride Editor

Kitty Kramer

Woodland Reveille


District  Webmaster

Jack Edwards
Elk Grove Lions Club

©  Elk Grove Lions Club

November 2015 Stag

Volume 65 Issue # 5 November 2015

We Serve


President Bob Brewer

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President Bob Brewer

     We have some very exciting news to share in this month’s Stag. First of all, we inducted two new members in October. Please make sure to welcome Isaac White and Agustin Palacios when you see them.

     The month of October was quite busy as usual. We started out with our assistance to the Pumpkin Festival for parking on the 3rd & 4th. Thanks to Lion President Bob Brewer for leading the charge. Lion Chris represented us at the Troop 59 Court of Honor on the 3rd. On October 10th, we prepared and served breakfast for the Senior Center and later that evening we supported the End of Watch Brews at the Lent Ranch. Thanks Lion Tom McDaniel for being the lead on this one.  The big event of the month was assisting the Strauss Festival with their Masquerade Ball on October 24th.

     We are looking forward to a busy November, especially with our December Crab Feed ticket sales. Tickets are available on our website and it has been announced is on the District website as well. Check out our website, on the right side of the menu at  Make sure to contact your friends and neighbors so that we can have a successful crab feed as it is the major fundraiser for the club this winter. To start of the month, many of us will attend the Citizen of the Year on November 2nd where our own Lion Warren Weaver along with his wife, Optimist Pat Weaver, will be honored as the Elk Grove Citizen of the Year. Later in the week we will be cooking for the Elk Grove HS drill team on the 7th. Senior Center pancake breakfast will be served on the 14th and several members will attend the District meeting on the 21st. If you are getting hungry for Thanksgiving Dinner, Lion Don is already working on this year’s feast.

     One last reminder about dues. They were due on the first of July. We have to pay the first half of our insurance for the year so please contact the treasurer and get your check in. The dues are still $80. If you have not paid, you will be dropped from our roster.

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Click Here For More District and Zone News

Click Here to see our Calendar (It is now a live calendar, not a static calendar.)

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos:
Elk Grove Citizens of the Year; Optimist Pat Weaver & Lion Warren Weaver!!!
20151012_200033Lion President Bob receiving award from PDG Andy at October 12th meeting
20151012_200056Lions listening to PDG Andy at October 12th meeting
20151026_194745Lion Past President Pancho receiving awards from PDG Erv Gon at October 26th meeting
20151026_194807Lion Past President Pancho receiving awards from PDG Erv Gon at October 26th meeting
Lion Past President Pancho receiving awards from PDG Erv Gon at October 26th meeting20151026_194849
Lion President Bob receiving banner from PDG Erv Gon at October 26th meeting
20151026_194843Lion Past President Pancho receiving awards from PDG Erv Gon at October 26th meeting
20151026_194912Lion Past Secretary Jim receiving awards from PDG Erv Gon at October 26th meeting
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Dues: If you have not yet paid your dues, you are now late. As you remember, they are $80 per year. Just so you know, $25 goes to MD4, $43 goes to LCIF and $12 is kept by the club. That $12 per member goes into the admin fund. It is not enough to pay our annual insurance bill, which is why we are always looking for a way to bring in admin funds.

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:  

Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support.  He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.  

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at 8347 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 123, just north of Calvine Road.  


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Rick Schriver, Daniel DiBenedetto, Jerry Salamy, Sharon Mika,
Jack Edwards, David Simpson



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Daniel DiBenedetto, Jack Megna, Warren Weaver

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

November 9 – Lion Jack E
November 16 – Lion Don T (Thanksgiving)

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


Board Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2015

Call to order           7:13 pm                       Lion President:  Robert Brewer


X President: Robert Brewer X Secretary: Rick Schriver
X 1st VP:  Jack Edwards X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Charlie Brummer Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
3rd VP: Sharon Mika X Treasurer: Bill Kirkland
X Lion Tamer: Marv Neil X 2-Year Director: Jim Switzgable
X 1-Year Director: David King 2-Year Director: Don Thompson
1-Year Director: John Muegge Membership Director: Dan Pearson
X Imm Past Pres: Poncho Sanchez

Other Lions Present:

Taka Andy
Joe T Bob T
Issac White Agustine  Palacios


Tracy Edwards Soroptomist E G H Drill Team Kristen

Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Secretary Rick Schriver:  Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion Jim S and second by Lion Dave;   approved

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Bill Kirkland provided to the board.

Correspondence: (see folder)

Committee Updates

Eyesight: Dave King:  Six clients have been approved for vision certificates Membership – Dan
Assets: Don Thompson Sunshine  – Shelli Pearson New Chair

 Foundation Old Business / Chairman’s Reports / New Business:

                                                          Date                  Chairman/Motion                        Notes

CSD Fall Festival Parking 10/3 and 4 Lion Pres Bob REPORT
EG Elem Hot DogsFranklin Elem Fall Festival Labor and Equip for 400 Hot Dogs

End of Watch



Lion Bob

Tom M



Franklin Elem BBQ Dogs

REQUEST   Taka requesting 3 Plaques for Eagle Scouts



Lion   Pres Bob




REQUEST   EG HS  Drill Team

Lions Crab Feed

Nov 7

Dec 5th

Lion Jack E & Lion Pancho

Lion Jack


$50 per ticket + Corkage

Sheldon HS Band Speghetti Dinner

REQUEST   Sheldon HS Sober Grad Spaghetti Dinner

REQUEST   My Sisters House Walk

Amended: Franklin Elem Campout moved to April 22, 2016



Oct 24



Lion   Rick


$30 per person



No Action

Lions Car Show April/May 2016 Lion Jack Megna

New Business:                                                         

                                                        Motion        Second                      Approval

November 21 District Cabinet Meeting Roseville CA


Crab Feed will comp 2 tickets each to Eye Exam Doc’s for past help with exams as Thank You Edwards Switzgable Yes
March 18th Soroptomist Martini Evening and will share bar income with Lions for Help King Switzgable Yes
Pancho proposed to borrow 5,000 from the equipment fund until the Crab Feed funds are earned. Poncho King Yes

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:     8:30 PM

Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

3 day weekend meetings…


Board Meeting

October, 19, 2015

Call to order           Lion President:  Robert Brewer                                          7:13pm


X President: Bob Brewer X Secretary: Rick Schriver
X 1st VP:  Jack Edwards X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd Charlie Brummer Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
3rd Sharon Mika X Treasurer: Bill Kirkland
X Lion Tamer: Marv Neil 2-Year Director: Don Thompson
X 1-Year Director: Dave King X 2-Year Director: Jim Switzgable
1-Year Director: John Muegge Membership Director: Dan Pearson
X I Past Pres: Poncho Sanchez


Other Lions Present:

Joe T Taka
Bob T Andy

Secretary Report by Lion Sectary Rick:  Motion to approve Board Minutes by Jim S and second by Lion ….. Poncho, approved

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Bill Kirkland

Correspondence: (see folder)

Committee Updates

Membership: Dan Pearson 2 new members voted in Agustin Palacios and Isaac White
Sunshine: Shelli Pearson voted in
Visitation: Sharon Mika
Eyesight: Dave King  = 6 cases in the past few months
Assets: Don Thompson KEYS: Bob, Marv and Don

Old Business / Chairman’s Reports:

                                                          Date                  Chairman                                  Notes

New Business:                               Motion            Second          Approval

Proposed to remove dinner cost for prospective members… Bar is on the Host..! Panch0 King Yes
Kloss Dues issue… No Action
Board action to wave attendance for Vanita due to work obligation Should she want to Join. Jack Poncho Yes

Upcoming Events:                 Date                  Location                                  Notes

Club Board Meeting:

  • Lion President Bob to appoint a Budget committee for this year to better anticipate cash needs and projects to fund.
  • PROPOSE Prospective members dinners are paid by Club.  We need more invitees…!

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:           8:30        PM

Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1. Lions event that Rotary will provide Labor… Several years past due for a FUN Lions Club Event
  2. Sr Ctr MOU update
Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

Secretary:  Rick Schriver 425-3865

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st VP: Jack Edwards 240-9302

2nd VP: Charlie Brummer 949-5519

3rd VP: Sharon Mika 479-4954

Treasurer: Bill Kirkland 687-7986

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Marv Neill  685-9878

1 Year Dir: John Muegge 215-9787

1 Year Dir: Dave King 479-6574

2 Year Dir: Jim Switzgable 684-7700

2 Year Dir: Don Thompson 600-9884

Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753

Past Pres: Pancho Sanchez 595-9103

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

7:00 pm Meeting

Papa’s Pizza

505 C Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm

The Old Spaghetti Factory

7727 Laguna Blvd.

Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Chris Joyce Heather
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Harjeet Kumar  Vanita
Vanita Kumari  Harjeet
John Lorraine Debbie
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Name Spouse
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muggee Rebecca
Rebecca Muggee John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
Isaac White Amy
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple


International President
Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada
“Dignity, Harmony, Humanity”

2015-2016 MikeRetzlaff DGMikesLogo

District Governor Mike Retzlaff

District Governor

Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726


1st Vice District Governor

Kumar Kalagara

Folsom Host Lions Club

Cell: 916-337-0914


2nd Vice District Governor

Thomas “Nick” McNichols
Esparto Lions


Email: 2vdg@district4c5

Cabinet Secretary

Gayle Kono
Senator Lions Club

Cabinet Treasurer

John Vermeltfoort
Galt Lions Club


Sactramento Region Chair

Jeri Retzlaff

Pride of Laguna Lions Club


Sutter Zone Chair

Mat Lara


District Pride Editor

Kitty Kramer

Woodland Reveille


District  Webmaster

Jack Edwards
Elk Grove Lions Club

©  Elk Grove Lions Club

October 2015 Stag

Volume 65 Issue # 4 October 2015

We Serve


President Bob Brewer

President’s Message
Join Us
Cooks List
Board Minutes
Contact Info
District Info

President’s Message  UpArrowPurple

Lion President Bob Brewer

     We have some very exciting news to share in this month’s Stag. First of all, we inducted a new member in September. Please make sure to welcome Harjeet Kumar when you see him. Both he and his wife, Vanita Kumari are joining. She has to find time in her work schedule to come in for the vote on her membership application. We need to add a few more new members to help fill in for all of our activities. Secondly, the Citizen(s) of the year for Elk Grove has been announced. We are proud to say that our own Warren Weaver and his wife Pat were selected as the Elk Grove Citizens of the Year for 2015-2016. Congratulations to Warren & Pat Weaver.

     This past month we continued to support our Elk Grove Senior Center with the monthly pancake breakfast fundraiser. We also supported the Short Line Lake Dinner with Lion Don at the helm. We are also moving forward with our December Crab Feed as tickets will be available this month. Ticket sales are available on our website and an announcement is on the District website as well. Check out our website, on the right side of the menu at  Make sure to contact your friends and neighbors so that we can have a successful crab feed as it is the major fundraiser for the club this winter. Our club supported the Food Bank by providing labor and equipment for their Harvest of Hope fundraiser on September 12th.

     One of the most important things to happen in September was the Elk Grove Service Club Summit. It was hosted by Kevin Spease of the Laguna-Sunrise Rotary. Leaders from each of the service clubs were invited to meet to discuss what their club does and how we could better work together to serve the needs of Elk Grove as well as to eliminate overlap of services and conflicts on our various fund raising efforts. One of the issues discussed was the availability of a community calendar at where you could see all upcoming events in the Elk Grove area. This calendar is maintained by our own Lion Jack Edwards, so, let him know if you know of an event that is missing and he can put it on the calendar.

     The month of October will start out with our assistance to the Pumpkin Festival for parking on the 3rd & 4th. Thanks to Lion President Bob Brewer for leading the charge. Lion Chris will represent us at the Troop 59 Court of Honor on the 3rd. We will be cooking the pancake breakfast at the Senior Center the following Saturday on the 10th. Also on October 10th, we will be lending a hand at the End of Watch Brews at the Lent Ranch. Thanks Lion Tom McDaniel for being the lead on this one.

     Later this month, we will be assisting the Strauss Festival with their Masquerade Ball on October 24th. It will be held at the Laguna Town Hall from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. Join us in supporting them with their ticket sales as well as with assisting them during their event. Remember that they regularly support the Lions as they generally buy a full table at our December and our March crab feed fundraisers.

     If you are not already booked for the morning of the 24th, you could support My Sister’s House at their walk/run. For more info, click here.

     At the board meeting in September, we agreed to work on hosting a car show in the late spring. Lion Jack Megna will be the chair.

     One last reminder about dues. They were due on the first of July. We have to pay the first half of our insurance for the year so please contact the treasurer and get your check in. The dues are still $80.

Join Us UpArrowPurple 

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Mondays  (except November & December)

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday

Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue

Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events  UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Click Here For More District and Zone News

Click Here to see our Calendar (It is now a live calendar, not a static calendar.)

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos:
NewMembersVanitaAndHarjeetKumarAtShortlineLakeNew members in training, snapping fresh green beans, at Shortline Lake; Vanita Kumari & Harjeet Kumar
LionDonShortlineLakeLions Don, Bob, Sharon & John at Shortline Lake
TrucksUnloadedNowToGetOrganizedAtShortlineLakeLion Sharon checking to see if Lion Don brought everything
SkingWaterShowShortlineLakeA little water show put on by the skiers at Shortline Lake
PastaThe Muegge’s working on the pasta
FreshGreenbeansShortlineLakeSnapping beans
ShortlineLake2Shucking corn
ShortlineLake1Part of Lion Don’s crew at Shortline Lake
ParticipatingAtServiceClubSummitLion Dave, Tracey Edwards (Soroptimist), Angela Spease (Laguna-Sunrise Rotary), Lion Bob, Pat Beal at The Service Club Summit at the Senior Center
LionDaveSimpsonAtPumpkinFestivalParkingLion Dave Simpson helping out with traffic control at the Pumpkin Festival
StraussCostumeBallWe will be working this event on the 24th
Elk Grove Citizens of the Year; Optimist Pat Weaver & Lion Warren Weaver!!!
Announcements UpArrowPurple

Dues: If you have not yet paid your dues, you are now late. As you remember, they are $80 per year. Just so you know, $25 goes to MD4, $43 goes to LCIF and $12 is kept by the club. That $12 per member goes into the admin fund. It is not enough to pay our annual insurance bill, which is why we are always looking for a way to bring in admin funds.

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:  

Please keep Lion Heinz in your prayers. He started radiation treatment in December. Give him a call and lend him your support.  He can be reached at (540) 888-3936.

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D.  for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.  

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at 8347 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 123, just north of Calvine Road.  


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Taka Blackburn, Bob Brewer, Dave Ogden, Tom Anderson, Lewis Flint



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Chuck Davis, David Ogden, Fred Handley, Tom Anderson

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

October 12 – Lion Jim S

October 28 – Lion Joe T
November 9 – Lion Jack E
November 23 – Lion Don T (Thanksgiving)

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple


Board Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2015

Call to order 7 PM               Lion President:  Robert Brewer


X President: Robert Brewer X Secretary: Rick Schriver
X 1st VP:  Jack Edwards X Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
X 2nd VP: Charlie Brummer Tail Twister: Tom Anderson
X 3rd VP: Sharon Mika X Treasurer: Bill Kirkland
X Lion Tamer: Marv Neil 2-Year Director: Jim Switzgable
X 1-Year Director: David King X 2-Year Director: Don Thompson
X 1-Year Director: John Muegge Membership Director: Dan Pearson
X Imm Past Pres: Poncho Sanchez

Other Lions Present:

Andy A Joe T
John Jr Jack Megna
Harjeet Kumar – New Member


Secretary Report by Lion Secretary Rick Schriver:  Motion to approve Board Minutes by Lion Jack E and second by Lion Sharon ;   approved

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Bill Kirkland: 

Equipment Fund: $14,112                        Project: $3,064.68                  FFA: 479  

Correspondence: (see folder)

Committee Updates

Eyesight: Dave King Membership – Dan
Assets: Don Thompson Sunshine – Lion Fred – Need New Chair…

Foundation Old Business / Chairman’s Reports / New Business:

                                                Date                  Chairman/Motion                        Notes

CSD Fall Festival Parking 10/3 and 4 Lion Pres Bob
Elk Grove Service Club Summit 9/20 Lion Bob, Dave and Jack attended Minutes to come
EG Elem Hot Dogs 10/09 Lion Pancho Motion
Lion King Second
Franklin Elem Fall Festival Labor and Equip for 400 Hot Dogs 10/23 Lion Pres Bob
Pending Application – Franklin Theater Pancake Breakfast
Amended: Franklin Elem Campout moved to April 22, 2016 4/22/16 Motion by Lions Jack E and Sharon
Lion Jack M proposed a car show for late March or early April on a Saturday and EG Park Pavilion ( our trade time to be used) Motions by Dave and Marv
Sheldon Music Spaghetti Dinner labor and Equip. Cook & Donate Sauce. Serve 5:00-7:00PM @ PGHS. 200 people 1/23/17 Lion Rick to chair. Motions by L. Charlie and Marv They are willing to assist at crab feed.

New Business:

                                                               Motion              Second                      Approval

Request from Sophia Scherman for 1,000 hot dogs and buns for V-day parade BBQ in the Park Donated $500.00
Lion Chair Jack proposed raising Crab Feed tickets to $50 and charging a corkage fee of $10 per bottle and the possibility of selling drawn butter
Voted and accepted new Member Harjeet Kumar

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:     8:40 PM

Items to address during our next Board Meeting:

  1.  3 day weekend meetings…?

Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This bulletin is produced each month by the Bulletin Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302 or by mail at:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: Bob Brewer 686-7084

Secretary:  Rick Schriver 425-3865

Bulletin: Jack Edwards 240-9302

1st VP: Jack Edwards 240-9302

2nd VP: Charlie Brummer 949-5519

3rd VP: Sharon Mika 479-4954

Treasurer: Bill Kirkland 687-7986

Tail Twister: Tom Anderson 947-2439

Lion Tamer: Marv Neill  685-9878

1 Year Dir: John Muegge 215-9787

1 Year Dir: Dave King 479-6574

2 Year Dir: Jim Switzgable 684-7700

2 Year Dir: Don Thompson 600-9884

Membership: Dan Pearson 217-2753

Past Pres: Pancho Sanchez 595-9103

Public Relations: Rick Schriver 425-3865

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd. Sacramento

Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social 7:00 pm
Papa’s Pizza
505 C Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 7 pm
The Old Spaghetti Factory
7727 Laguna Blvd. Elk Grove, CA

 Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charlie Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Chuck Davis Rebecca
Rigo De La Torre Marina
Daniel DiBenedetto III Sunni
Dianne Edwards Brian
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Lewis Flint Sr Peggy
Lorene Fuhs Robert
Fred Handley Pam
Bill Heston Jr Linda
Bill Hibbard Linda
Bob Hillyer Shirlee
John Jackson
Chris Joyce Heather
Dave King Julie
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Sterling Kloss Tina
Harjeet Kumar
John Lorraine Debbie
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Lu Lu Martinez
Tom McDaniel
Name Spouse
Jack Megna
Sharon Mika
John Muggee Rebecca
Rebecca Muggee John
Marv Neill Annajean
David Ogden Diann
Shauna Ono Greg
Jim Parino Charlette
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy Leann
Pancho Sanchez Theresa
Bud Schafer Jr Rosanne – Ro
Rick Schriver Jessie
David Simpson Ginger
Howard Stoll Jeanette
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Matt Switzgable
Joe Tallerico Lynda
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Don Veninga
Vernon Wheeler Patricia
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Nancy
John Zehnder Jr Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple


International President
Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada
“Dignity, Harmony, Humanity”

2015-2016 MikeRetzlaff DGMikesLogo

District Governor Mike Retzlaff

District Governor

Mike Retzlaff (Lion Sheri)

Pride of Laguna Lions Club
Cell: 916-225-8321
Res: 916-681-9726


1st Vice District Governor

Kumar Kalagara

Folsom Host Lions Club

Cell: 916-337-0914


2nd Vice District Governor

Thomas “Nick” McNichols
Esparto Lions


Email: 2vdg@district4c5

Cabinet Secretary

Gayle Kono
Senator Lions Club

Cabinet Treasurer

John Vermeltfoort
Galt Lions Club


Sactramento Region Chair

Jeri Retzlaff

Pride of Laguna Lions Club


Sutter Zone Chair

Mat Lara


District Pride Editor

Kitty Kramer

Woodland Reveille


©  Elk Grove Lions Club