Thanks to all of the members of our club, we had a great November as we served the Elk Grove Community. We started off the month with our service to the Senior Center of Elk Grove with our monthly Pancake Breakfast.
We supported our local veterans by providing 1000 hotdogs and buns. Our friends at the Rotary did the cooking and the Optimist club donated additional food as well.
We spent a large part of the month getting ready for our annual Shrimp and crab feed.
One of the best parts of working with our local partners was that we were able to garner additional support from our Strauss partners for our December Crab and Shrimp Feed. The ultimately purchased in person or online a total of 24 tickets. Thank you very much to Jackie Lewis for all you do to support the Lions Club.
As usual, the club had a great Thanksgiving Dinner thanks to Lion Jim Switzgable. We are looking forward to Lion Don Thompson preparing our Christmas Dinner next month.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
Program Meeting: 7:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month (except November & December) Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
General Meeting: 7:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except November & December) Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
Check out the following photos & videos:
Coming Soon
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
Lions Bob Turner and Marvin Neill
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Lion Don Veninga
Cooks List
October 28 – Marv Neill
November 18 – Thanksgiving Dinner – Jim Switzgable
December 16 – Christmas Dinner – Don Thompson
Board Minutes
NOVEMBER 11, 2019
Call to order: 6:05 President: TAKA BLACKBURN
There was no Quorum for this meeting
President: Taka Blackburn
Secretary: Agustin Palacios
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: John Muegge
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP: Vacant
Treasurer: Jeylon Strong
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
2-Year Director: Don Thompson
1-Year Director: Warren Weaver
2-Year Director: Sharon Mika
1-Year Director: Jack Edwards
Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
Immediate Past Pres: Brad Dano
Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
LCIF: Andy Anderson
Lion Charlie B
Lion Marv N
Lion Bob B
Cub Scout Pack 179-Blue and Dinner Request: Mr. Enda McKenna
Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Agustin: Minutes for Sep submitted to Lion Jack and all activities recorded in the Lions International
Motion to approve Board Minutes for October 2019 by Lion …… second by Lion Motion…
This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9325:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: Taka Blackburn
Secretary: Agustin Placios
1st VP: John Muegge
2nd VP: Rebecca Muegge
3rd VP: vacant
Treasurer: Jay Strong
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
1 Year Dir: Sharon Mika
1 Year Dir: Don Thompson
2 Year Dir: Warren Weaver
2 Year Dir: Pancho Sanchez
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Brad Dano
Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
6:30 pm Meeting
Galt Place
400 D Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Logan’s Roadhouse
9105 West Stockton Blvd
Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Thanks to all of the members of our club, we had a productive October as we served the Elk Grove Community. We started off the month with our service to the CSD at the Great Pumpkin Festival on October 5th & 6th.
The following weekend, we cooked and served breakfast for the Elk Grove Senior Center. On Friday the 18th, we supported the Elk Grove Elementary School by cooking a spaghetti dinner for their Harvest Festival.
The following night, we staffed the bar for our friends at the Strauss Festival for their annual October Gala. This year it was a 1950’s theme, and it was great fun.
One of the best parts of working with our local partners was that during the evening, we were able to garner additional support from our Strauss partners for our December Crab and Shrimp Feed. They had already committed to 16 tickets. At the Gala, that was increased to 36 tickets. Thank you very much to Jackie Lewis for all you do to support the Lions Club.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
Program Meeting: 7:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month (except November & December) Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
General Meeting: 7:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except November & December) Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
Check out the following photos & videos:
Coming Soon
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
Lions Jerry Salamy, Sharon Mika, Jack Edwards
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Lion Warren Weaver
Cooks List
October 28 – Marv Neill
November 18 – Thanksgiving Dinner – Jim Switzgable
December 16 – Christmas Dinner – Don Thompson
Board Minutes
OCTOBER 21, 2019
Call to order: 6:10 President: TAKA BLACKBURN Attendance:
President: Taka Blackburn
Secretary: Agustin Palacios
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: John Muegge
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP: Vacant
Treasurer: Jeylon Strong
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
2-Year Director: Don Thompson
1-Year Director: Warren Weaver
2-Year Director: Sharon Mika
1-Year Director: Jack Edwards
Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
Immediate Past Pres: Brad Dano
Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
LCIF: Andy Anderson
Lion Marvin Neill
Lion Pancho Sanchez
Lion Chris Joyce
Diane Shepherd from Correctional Workers Who Cares (No show)
Sophia Scherman from the Elk Grove Optimist Club for the Veterans Day Parade
Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Agustin: Minutes for Sep submitted to Lion Jack and all activities recorded in the Lions International. Motion to approve Board Minutes for September 2019 by Lion John Zehnder, second by Lion Jack Edwards. Motion…Passed
Eyesight: Lion Marv will be talking with local schools regarding assistance for exams & glasses
Sunshine: Lion Warren home recovering from heart surgery
Assets/Equipment: Lion Don replaced a few small items.
Membership: no change or new members
Visitation: vacant maybe Lion Stan will fill spot
Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Foundation Meeting Elk Grove Lions Foundation at 6:32
Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report
Event Name Date Location Chair
Spaghetti Feed/Harvest Festival
Oct 18
Elk Grove Elementary School
Lion Sharon
Masquerade Ball (Nifty 50’s Bandstand
Oct 19
SES Hall
Lion Bill
New Business:
Lion Joe T, Upcoming Awards for supporters of our eyeglass recycling program.
Crab Feed, Lion John & Rebecca need some assistance and guidance.
CSD/Senior Center building update, Lion Jack (New Beeman’s Community Center)
Speech Contest Lion John Jr. update (working on having it on February10, 2020)
LCI Sutter update Lion Andy Noreport
Sophia Scherman, Chair, Veterans day parade on November 11th
Schedules for Nov and Dec for board and Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner club meetings
Motion Moved by: Second Approval Chair
Procure 1000 hot dogs and buns for Veterans Event not to spend more than 500 dollars
Lion Jack
Lion Sharon
Proceeds from Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner to be donated to EG Food Bank
Lion Jey
Lion Bob Husted
Support, Bar Only, for Soroptimist Martinis and Merriment event on March 28, 2020
Lion Jack
Lion Jey
All members to sell or purchase a ticket for any EG Lions Club Fundraiser
Lion Jack
Lion John
Pancho Sanchez’s request for a donation for his School and Guest House, for use by families of children seeing a doctor in Guadalajara, Mexico
Motion put on hold pending proper documentation from Pancho.
Send an invitation for all members to attend the October 28th meeting where we will present awards to the businesses and organizations who donated glasses to the Lions Club Eyeglass Recycling Program. For more info on where to donate, go to
Request to Lions Jim & Don to put info in the Citizen to announce the Elk Grove Pancake Breakfast will continue as usual on the Second Saturday of each month.
Board Meeting: November 11, 2019 Board Meeting: December 9, 2019
Thanksgiving Dinner on November 18, 2019 Christmas Dinner December 16, 2019
Lion Jim Switzgable to be head cook Lion Don Thompson to be head cook
Dinner cost $10.00 per member, $5.00 additional guest
Upcoming Activities and Approved Projects: Our Fundraisers CSD Event SCEG Events Event Date Location Chairman
This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9325:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: Taka Blackburn
Secretary: Agustin Placios
1st VP: John Muegge
2nd VP: Rebecca Muegge
3rd VP: vacant
Treasurer: Jay Strong
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
1 Year Dir: Sharon Mika
1 Year Dir: Don Thompson
2 Year Dir: Warren Weaver
2 Year Dir: Pancho Sanchez
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Brad Dano
Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
6:30 pm Meeting
Galt Place
400 D Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Logan’s Roadhouse
9105 West Stockton Blvd
Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
September was another busy month for the Elk Grove Lions Club. Of course, we cooked and served the monthly breakfast for the Elk Grove Senior Center on the morning of September 14. Later that afternoon, several Lions provided parking support for the Elk Grove Food Bank at their Harvest of Hope event at the Sheldon Inn.
On the 20th, several Lions joined up to provide a Spaghetti Feed for the Arnold Adriani Elementary School PTA.
We had planned on supplying tables and chairs for the American Legion’s PIO-MIA Day to Remember on September 21st, but they were able to obtain chairs from CSD so we helped with their setup and takedown. It was a very moving event.
We also supported the Historical Society’s Pinkerton Picnic in the Park on the 22nd of September by providing one of our BBQs for them. Thanks Lion Warren Weaver for getting it done.
On the 26th, several Lions joined up with our own Warren Weaver to cook for the Map The Future event at Elk Grove Park for the local high school career day event.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
Program Meeting: 7:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month (except November & December) Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
General Meeting: 7:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except November & December) Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM
Location: Senior Center of Elk Grove 8830 Sharkey Avenue
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
Check out the following photos & videos:
Coming Soon
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
Lions Taka Blackburn, Bob Brewer, Tom Anderson, Lewis Flint
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Lion Tom Anderson
Cooks List
October 14 – Lynden King
October 28 – Marv Neill
Board Minutes
Sep 16, 2019
Call to order: 6:00 President: TAKA BLACKBURN
President: Taka Blackburn
Secretary: Agustin Palacios
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
Bulletin Editor: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: John Muegge
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP: Vacant
Treasurer: Jeylon Strong
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
2-Year Director: Don Thompson
1-Year Director: Warren Weaver
2-Year Director: Sharon Mika
1-Year Director: Jack Edwards
Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
Immediate Past Pres: Brad Dano
Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
LCIF: Andy Anderson
Kathryn Sharp
Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Agustin: Minutes for August submitted to Lion Jack and all activities recorded in the Lions International
Motion to approve Board Minutes for August 2019 by Lion Brad second by Lion John Motion…
Pass Yes
Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Jeylon Strong:
Admin……….…$ 4,225.59
Project: …………$ 19,244.22
Scouts: ………..$ 2,625.99
Equipment …….$ 6,243.36
FFA ………….….$ 5,652.05
Combine ………$ 33,765.62
Total……………$ 37,991.21
Correspondence: (see folder)
Committee Updates
Eyesight: No report
Sunshine No report
Assets/Equipment: No report
Membership: No new members
Visitation: vacant (maybe Stan will assume the role)
Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Foundation Meeting Elk Grove Lions Foundation
Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report
Event Name Date Location Chair
Senior Center Pancake Breakfast
Sep 14
Elk Grove Senior Center
Lion Don/Jim
Harvest of Hope
Sep 14
Sheldon Inn
Lion Jack
New Business:
Pumpkin Festival for the CSD update Lion Taka
Crab Feed Lion John/Rebecca
Spaghetti Feed/Harvest Festival
CSD contract update Lion Jack
American Legion PWO-MIA Remembrance Event Lion Edwards (tables and chairs)
Map your Future (provide cost of ½ of hot dogs, buns, chips and water}Lion Warren 9/26/2019
Motion Moved by: Second Approval Chair
Pay the cost for food to the Harvest Festival
Lion Sharon
Lion John
Lion Sharon
Use of tables and chairs for the American Legion Event with Lions Jack present during event
Lion Jey
Lion Sharon
Lion Jack
Provide 350 dollars at the park for the Map the Future Event
Lion John
Lion Brad
Lion Warren
Donate 250 dollars for the Garments Association
Lion Jack
Lion Rebecca
Use of equipment for the Historical Society Event Lion Warren to pickup and deliver
This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9325:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: Taka Blackburn
Secretary: Agustin Placios
1st VP: John Muegge
2nd VP: Rebecca Muegge
3rd VP: vacant
Treasurer: Jay Strong
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
1 Year Dir: Sharon Mika
1 Year Dir: Don Thompson
2 Year Dir: Warren Weaver
2 Year Dir: Pancho Sanchez
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Brad Dano
Public Relations: Joe Tallerico
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavenaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
6:30 pm Meeting
Galt Place
400 D Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Logan’s Roadhouse
9105 West Stockton Blvd
Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member