Fellow Lions, Friends of the Elk Grove Lions Club and our Community. It was truly an honor to have been given the opportunity to serve as president this past year.
I would like to thank the board officers for their commitment to our club and dedication
to the community during these difficult times. We have suffered from Covid -19, election
strife, and fires that have affected the lives of millions of Californians. We have
persevered through tough times to continue to serve the community of Elk Grove and
Club members, thank you for supporting the club as we have supported the community
this year. The Lions Club cannot make it without your service.
It has been an interesting year. We are coming out of the pandemic, or so it would
seem. We are back in a remodeled and newly dedicated Albiani Recreation Center. We
have returned to having regular dinner meetings but have decided to continue with
online Zoom Board Meetings. We have yet to have a Shrimp and Crab Feed but we
compensated by having a tri-tip drive thru dinner which really did well. We are doing the
Community Pancake Breakfasts again but with a more equitable split of costs and
profits with CSD.
I would like to congratulate Lion Jack and his wife Tracy for being chosen as the 2020
Elk Grove Citizen of the Year. I was glad to be able to attend the ceremony which was
delayed by Covid-19. Likewise, I would like to congratulate Lion Warren Weaver who
was one of 7 people inducted into the Elk Grove Hall of Fame.
While the Elk Grove Lions did not have a crab feed, the Theta Tau Theta Crab Feed came back
for 2022.
Finally, to Lion Warren Weaver, the club’s new President, I wish you the best in the
coming year. I am sure that you are embarking on a familiar trail as you have a vast
amount of experience serving the Elk Grove Lions and the Elk Grove community and
will have no problem serving as President. I am looking forward to serving on the Board
under your leadership next year.
Lion John Muegge
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month Location: Albiani Recreation Center
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec) Location: Albiani Recreation Center
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
Check out the following photos & videos:
No activities and no photos at this time.
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
Don Thompson
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Don Thompson – Randy Feist – Bob Brewer – Dan Pearson – Charlie Brummer – Marv Neill
Cooks List
July 11 – John Muegge – Past President’s BBQ & Installation Dinner
July 25 – Bob Brewer
August 8 – Brad Dano
August 22 – Lyndon King
September 12 – Bill Heston
September 26 – Anthony Dapelo
Board Minutes
Minutes of May 16th Elk Grove Lions Club Meeting
Lions Board Members:
Other Lions
John Muegge- President
Bob Shipley
Rebecca Muegge- Vice President
Jey Strong
Don Thompson- 1 year Director
Anthony Dapelo
John Zehnder Jr – Membership Director
Sharon Mika – 1 year Director
Marv Neill – 2 year Director
Jason Springer – Treasurer
Lions Board Members:
Scott Walker – Friend of Bob Brewer to joining club
Called to order at 6:22 PM due to finally having a quorum
Scott Walker is a friend of Bob Brewer who is looking to join the club. He lives in Elk Grove and retired from State Correction last year.
Approval of April Minutes- John Jr motion and Sharon 2nd
Marv: Working on getting Sight Van for Kohl’s Child Spree
Don: Brought new garbage can for Kitchen as needed
Anthony: no club visitations set-up
Adjoin Club meeting at 6:29 and open Foundation meeting
Old Business:
May 14th Saturday Pancake Breakfast Report: 77 adults and 4 children attended; will be increasing price to $8 for adults due to price of food increasing and reserved food decreasing
Events Motions:
Motions on New Business
Moved By
Move to assist Food Bank Run
John Jr
Lion Jack
Move to approve Carnitas Feed
John Jr
Move to approve Crab & Shrimp Feed
Tabled until we find out about how much help we will get from the Optimist Club and how they want to split the proceeds.
Move to partner with Optimist
Move to support Child Spree Breakfast
John Jr
Move to support Strauss Parking
John Jr
Move to support Strauss Bar 11/5
John Jr
Move to donate $_____ to People-to-People event/Pride of Laguna Creek Lions
Tabled donation until we can find out how much we donated last year.
Equipment: for People to People event:
John Jr
Move to donate to Grateful Garment Project :Donate same amount as last time -a few years back
John Jr
The May 23rd Dinner Meeting will have Linden as Head Cook and be serving Tri-tip
This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at Jack@ElkGroveLionsFoundation.org or by phone at 916-240-9302:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: John Muegge
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
2nd VP: Vacant
Secretary: Jack Edwards
Treasurer: Jason Springer
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
1 Year Director – Don Thompson
1 Year Director – Sharon Mika
2 Year Director – Taka Blackburn
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Taka Blackburn Public Relations: Jack Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
6:30 pm Meeting
Grange Hall
5th & D Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Albiani Recreation Center
8830 Sharkey Ave
Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
We are almost at the end of my year as President of the Elk Grove Lions Club and I must say that I very much appreciate your support over the past several months.
We accomplished a lot this year even though we were still working part of the time under the Covid-19 rules.
Thanks to the support at the events this past month. We assisted the Elk Grove Historical Society on two of their events this past month.
We also gathered a strong showing at the County Fair for the Buyer’s Breakfast and the support of the FFA & 4-H who were selling their livestock at the annual sale. Thanks again to Lion Warren for the great fundraiser at the end of March so that we are able to support the FFA & 4-H students at the county fair.
As we finish this month, I have only one month left to serve. Looking forward to assisting incoming Lion President Warren Weaver as he steps up in July.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month Location: Albiani Recreation Center
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec) Location: Albiani Recreation Center
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
Check out the following photos & videos:
No activities and no photos at this time.
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
Lynden King, Dan Quiggle, Jim Switagable, Stanley Pochop, and Dan Pearson
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: There were no lions with an anniversary date in May.
Cooks List
June 27 – Taka Blackburn – Installation Dinner
July 11 – John Muegge – Past President’s BBQ
July 25 – Bob Brewer
August 8 – Brad Dano
August 22 – Lyndon King
September 12 – Bill Heston
September 26 – Anthony Dapelo
Board Minutes
ELK GROVE LIONS CLUB Board Meeting Agenda
April 18, 2022
Call to order: 6:00 pm President: John Muegge Attendance:
President: John Muegge
Secretary: Jack Edwards
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
Bulletin Editor & PR: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Vacant
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP: Vacant
Treasurer: Jason Springer
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
2-Year Director: Taka Blackburn
1-Year Director: Don Thompson
2-Year Director: Marv Neill
1-Year Director: Sharon Mika
Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
IPP: Taka Blackburn
LCIF: Andy Anderson
Guests: Brian Crough, potential new member: Brian Crough
Secretary Report: (Stag) by Lion Jack: Minutes for February were approved and have been posted in the Stag. Click Here for the March Stag. All activities will be recorded in the Lions International’s MyLion program.
Motion to approve Board Minutes for March 2021 by Lion Andy second by Lion Marv Motion…Passed…………
Treasurer Report: by Lion Treasurer Jason Springer:
Admin- $7,134.49
Equipment – $5,941.67
FFA – $10,051.65
Scouts – $2,838.23
Project – $29,567.23
Combined – $48,399.50
Total – $55,533.99
Tri-tip Dinner
Ticket Sales – $13,908.42
Donations – $1,210.00
Expenses – $6,573.81
Net Profit – $8,544.61
Correspondence: See new business. Committee Updates
Eyesight – Lion Marv: Nothing new
Sunshine – Lion Taka: Nothing new
Assets/Equipment – Lion Don: Status Quo
Membership – Lion John Jr.: New Member applicant Brian Crough
Visitation – Lion Anthony: Not present
Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Foundation Meeting Elk Grove Lions Foundation at 6:37 pm
Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report
April 9th Community Breakfast. 82 Adults $574 + 4 Children $12 split 50/50: $586 less supplies of $333.20 = $252.80 ÷ 2 = $126.40 each for the Lions Club and the CSD/CROF.
Movies in the Park for annual project award from the district.
Received club award from district for our work in the community
President John Muegge received an award from the district.
New Business:
Request From Running of the Elk for traffic control volunteers on May 15th.
Request from American Legion to assist with Armed Forces Day BBQ on May 21st.
No one stepped forward to volunteer for either of the two new business activities, so no motions were made. I will report back to the people who asked for them to be added to the agenda.
This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at Jack@ElkGroveLionsFoundation.org or by phone at 916-240-9302:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: John Muegge
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
2nd VP: Vacant
Secretary: Jack Edwards
Treasurer: Jason Springer
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
1 Year Director – Don Thompson
1 Year Director – Sharon Mika
2 Year Director – Taka Blackburn
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Taka Blackburn Public Relations: Jack Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
6:30 pm Meeting
Grange Hall
5th & D Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Albiani Recreation Center
8830 Sharkey Ave
Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
March was a busy month, as we get back into the swing of things.
We voted to support Canine Companions as well as the Deaf Campers with donations to their respective organizations. We also supported the Meet Me on the Red Carpet for Pleasant Grove High School with a dinner BBQ on March 11th.
We are booked for upcoming events in April and May as we move forward this year in support of the EG Historical Society events.
As we moved forward with our Student Speaker Contest at the Zone level and at the Region level, the student from the Delta Lions Club won and has moved forward to the District level contest
Thanks to Lion Warren we had a great fundraiser at the end of March so that we are able to support the FFA & 4-H students at the county fair.
Join Us
Elk Grove Lions Club
P.O. Box 465
Elk Grove, CA. 95759
General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month Location: Albiani Recreation Center
Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting
General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec) Location: Albiani Recreation Center
Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.
We hope you will consider joining our club.
To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
Membership is by invitation.
If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
Activities & Photos
Check out the following photos & videos:
No activities and no photos at this time.
Let’s reach out to our fellow members:
As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is atEmeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881
As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.
We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.
Happy Birthday to Lions:
John Muegge
Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club: Ron Higginbotham, Dan Quiggle, Sharon Mika & Teresa Rodriguez
Cooks List
January 10 – Jerry Salamy
January 24 – Randy Feist
February 14 – Student Speaker Contest – Sharon Mika
March 14 –
March 28 –
Board Minutes
ELK GROVE LIONS CLUB Board Meeting Agenda
March 21, 2022
Call to order: 6:00 pm President: John Muegge
President: John Muegge
Secretary: Jack Edwards
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
Bulletin Editor & PR: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Vacant
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP: Vacant
Treasurer : Jason Springer
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
2-Year Director: Taka Blackburn
1-Year Director: Don Thompson
2-Year Director: Marv Neill
1-Year Director: Sharon Mika
Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
Immediate Past Pres: Taka Blackburn
LCIF: Andy Anderson
Secretary Report by Lion Jack: Motion to approve Board Minutes for February 2021 by Lion __Taka_, second by Lion _John Jr___ Motion…Passed……
Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Jason Springer:
Administrative: …..
Project: ………………
Scouts: ……………
Equipment: ………..
FFA: …………….…..
Combined Amount:
Total ……………….
Correspondence: See new business. Committee Updates
Membership-John Jr:
Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Foundation Meeting Elk Grove Lions Foundation at 6:20pm
Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report
Time to start thinking about club officers. 1st VP will need people to step up. We will need a club secretary as Lion Jack already has too many jobs and someone else needs to Jason said he would continue as treasurer. PDG Andy suggested that the 1st VP call all officers to see who will continue. Also, to ask for people to step up as 1st and 2nd VP as well as Secretary. Also, the 2-year directors move up to the one-year director position and she needs two volunteers for the two-year director positions. Good positions for new members to be a part of the club and to get to know the membership.
Sac County Fair/FFA and 4-H. Our fundraiser is set for March 30th to fund our purchases at the auction. This event is usually on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.
Fundraiser; Tri-Tip Drive-Thru on March 30th at ARC. Lion Warren is cooking. As of today, we have sold 68 tickets online and to club members so far.
The Region Student Speaker Contest is set for the 31st at the VFW Hall on Stockton Blvd in Sac.
New Business:
Elk Grove Babe Ruth Anniversary Opening Day Parade Sponsorship?
Pleasant Grove High School Baseball Dinner and Dance
Lion Brad’s request to use equipment for Capital Woodcarver Show
Sheldon High School Event – Labor and equipment for BBQ. Cook and serve hot dogs. 6-7 Servers. 9:30 am – 2:00 pm April 7 Thursday. Warren
Cook Hotdogs and Hamburgers for Sacramento Splash Kid’s Day on Saturday, March 26,11:30-2:00pm. Serving 125-200 kids. Mackenzie Wieser.
Elk Grove HS Girls Softball Dinner Dance. May 7th, 5-11 pm. (Bar Only)
Motions on New Business
Moved By
Did not get a motion to support the Sacramento Splash Kids Day
Donate $500 for Team Sponsorship
PG HS. Do Bar Only subject to Andy’s Availability. Our tip jar. They pay for license and insurance.
John Jr
Allow Brad to use equipment 6/21-22
John Jr
Labor & Equip for Sheldon HS
John Jr
Support EGHS Softball Dinner/Dance Bar Only. If Lion Andy
Donate $1000 to LCIF for Ukraine
Upcoming Activities and Approved Projects:
Board Meeting
March 21
John M
Dinner Meeting
March 28
John M
Tri-Tip Fundraiser
March 30
District Convention
April 7-10
PDG Andy & Jack
Community Pancake Breakfast
April 9
Don & Jim
Dinner Meeting
April 11
John M
Good of the Order: Lion Jack to contact Lion Andy about availability for the bar events.
This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at Jack@ElkGroveLionsFoundation.org or by phone at 916-240-9302:
Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759
President: John Muegge
1st VP: Rebecca Muegge
2nd VP: Vacant
Secretary: Jack Edwards
Treasurer: Jason Springer
Tail Twister: Brad Dano
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted
1 Year Director – Don Thompson
1 Year Director – Sharon Mika
2 Year Director – Taka Blackburn
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Taka Blackburn Public Relations: Jack Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson
Make-up Clubs
Delta Lions Club
2nd Thursdays, 7 am
Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course
8301 Freeport Blvd.
Galt Lions Club
2 & 4 Thursdays
6:00 pm Social
6:30 pm Meeting
Grange Hall
5th & D Street, Galt
Pride of Laguna
2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Albiani Recreation Center
8830 Sharkey Ave
Elk Grove, CA
Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member