December Stag 2021

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 72 Issue # 6 December 2021

We Serve

President John Muegge

President’s Message

Join Us





Cooks List

Board Minutes

Contact Info

District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

President John Muegge’s Message: 

Thanksgiving is past and we can now look forward to Christmas. With the holidays, we have reduced our meeting to one board meeting and one dinner meeting for November and December.

On November 1st, I had the privilege to attend the Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce’s Citizens of the Year Award Ceremony at the Valley Hi Country Club. Lion Jack Edwards and his wife Tracey were the recipients of the 2020 award which was delayed due to COVID. Congratulations Jack and Tracey and thank you to our own Troop 59 who was on hand for the posting of the flags ceremony for this event.

On November 3rd we attended the Sutter Zone meeting at Jack Edward’s house. Great event and I really enjoyed Jack Spicy Red Salsa.

The next weekend we had the Scout Troop 59 Centennial Pancake Breakfast. Five Elk Grove Lions cooked up pancakes and sausages for the 80 boy scouts attending the event.

The following Monday, November 8th, we had our board meeting at the ARC. The following Monday, November 15th, we had our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at the ARC.

On November 18, I had the honor of attending the Elk Grove Hall of Fame Award Ceremony at the District 56 Center in Elk Grove. Lion Warren Weaver was one of 7 people inducted into the Elk Grove Hall of Fame. Warren was honored for his past dedication as an Elk Grove teacher. Our own Zone Chairperson, Jack Edwards, was there to present one of the other inductees into the Hall of Fame. Lion Warren’s children were given the honor of handling the induction of Lion Weaver, much to his surprise. He knew that he was being inducted, but did not know that his kids were the guest speakers.

Our next November event was traffic control for the November 20th Elk Grove Food Bank Turkey Box pickup at Creekside Christian Church. For a quiet holiday month, it sure seemed to be busy.

I am looking forward to next month when we will have three new members, Greg Neil, and Ron and Ann Higginbotham to induct into our club.

Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years everybody.

Thanks to the Lions who are always available to support the club and it’s activities. As usual, we supported our friends from the other organizations in our community in October.

Several members of our club attended the Citizen of the Year dinner on November 1st where our own Lion Jack Edwards and his wife Tracey were formally inducted as the 2020 Citizens of the year. It was a great celebration.

The November meetings and the December meetings will be modified. The second Monday in November will be board meeting and the third Monday in November will be dinner meeting. In December, our board meeting will be on the first Monday and the Holiday Dinner will be on the 2nd Monday.

Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759


General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Albiani Recreation Center and Online Zoom Meeting

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM

Location: Albiani Recreation Center and Online Zoom Meeting

General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec)

Location: Albiani Recreation Center and Online Zoom Meeting


Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos & videos:
No activities and no photos at this time.

Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Bob Shipley and Marv Neill



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
We have completed another year, but none of our members were inducted in December.

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

November 15 – Don Thompson – Turkey
December 13 –  Christmas Holiday Dinner

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple

ELK GROVE LIONS CLUB                                                                         

Minutes for November 8th Elk Grove Lions Club Board Meeting.

President John Muegge called the meeting to order at 6.03 pm.


John Muegge –President
Rebecca Muegge-Vice President
Don Thompson -1 year Director
Sharon MiKa – 1 – year Director
Jason Springer-Treasurer
Taka Blackburn –Past President & 2-year Director
Marv Neill- 2-year Director
John Zehnder Jr. – Membership Director
Anthony Dapelo

The motion, 1st by Marv and 2nd by Taka, to approve the Board minutes for October passed.

Treasurer Report by Jason Springer

Administrative: $6765.76
Project:                $3276.05
Scouts:                 $ 3000.99
Equipment:         $6243.36
FFA:                       $  368.04
Combined:        $42378.24
Total:                  $49144.00


Scout troop correspondence Taka will take care of it.

Committee Updates:

Eyesight:  (Report given by Don)

Collected in his garage

650 pairs of glasses

22 individual hearing aides

5 pairs of hearing aides

5 cell phones

Sunshine Charlene is stepping down and Taka will take over
Assets/Equipment: Don Kitchen Cabinet moved into pantry area after meeting;

The Pancake Breakfast crew will put together the cabinet on Saturday

Membership – John Jr. Greg Neill will be inducted once his name plate comes in; probably at the December Christmas Dinner meeting

Adjourn Club meeting and open Foundation 6:16 pm

Taka mentioned that links from District 4C-5 emails may contain viruses

Old Business:

Troop 59 Pancake Breakfast on Sun Nov 7th was a success

New Business:

  1. State and Federal Non-compliance for our 501C3 status is being handled by Jason
  2. Use of Lions cooking equipment for People-to-People Thanksgiving Meal by Andy and Anthony

Taka made the motion and Sharon 2nd the motion; it passed.

  1. Student Speaker contest is February 14th (1st Dinner meeting in February).  We need Lion volunteers for timers and scorers. Materials will go to schools soon.
  2. Elk Grove Food Bank traffic control on Nov 20th for Turkey Box Pick-up at Creekside Christian Church; chaired by Taka.
  3. People-to-People funding will be brought up once a written request is made.
  4. Thanksgiving Dinner meeting $10 per member; $5 per Guest; Don made a motion and Taka 2nd it to have dinner covered by the Club Administration Fund and donate the proceeds to a local charity – passed. The charity will be decided at the dinner. Suggested Charities are The “Elk Grove Food Bank” and “Chicks in Crisis”.  Rebecca will email and call to find out how many are coming.

Meeting adjoined at 6:47

Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: John Muegge

1st VP: Rebecca Muegge

2nd VP: Vacant

Secretary: Jack Edwards

Treasurer: Jason Springer

Tail Twister: Brad Dano

Lion Tamer: Bob Husted

1 Year Director – Don Thompson
1 Year Director – Sharon Mika
2 Year Director – Taka Blackburn
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Taka Blackburn
Public Relations: Jack Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

6:30 pm Meeting

Galt Place

400 D Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Logan’s Roadhouse

9105 West Stockton Blvd

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charles Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Anthony Dapelo
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Bill Heston Jr
Bob Husted Charlene
Charlene Husted Bob
Lynden King
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Vanita Kumari Harjeet
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Sharon Mika
Name Spouse
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Greg Neill
Marv Neill Annajean
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Stan Pochop Jr.
Dan Quiggle
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy
Bob Shipley Leann
Jason Springer Raelynn
Jeylon Strong
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Don Thompson Sue
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Jr. Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

Douglas X. Alexander

International President

Brooklyn, New York



District Governor Donna Prince
“Serving Together for the Greater Good”

District Governor

Donna Prince

1st Vice District Governor

Tim Luckinbill

2nd Vice District Governor

Zenny Yagen

Cabinet Secretary

Evelyn Butler
Cabinet Treasurer
Doug Wight

Sacramento Region Chair

Josephine Fong

Sutter Zone Chair

Jack Edwards

District Pride Editor


District Webmaster

Jack Edwards

November Stag 2021

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 72 Issue # 5 November 2021

We Serve

President John Muegge

President’s Message

Join Us





Cooks List

Board Minutes

Contact Info

District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

President John Muegge’s Message: 

We entered October with fires still being a threat and District calls for resources to assist people who were displaced by the fires. October ended with a series of storms and one last atmospheric river storm that finally ended the fires. We are finally settling down into a routine at the newly christened Albiani Recreation Center (ARC).

We started the month off with a major event. The Great Pumpkin Festival Parking. The event went well after discussions with ARC to reduce the number of staffing hours from 81 to 43. Thank you Lion Taka for assisting with the negotiations with ARC.  Next, we had the return of the Community Pancake Breakfast. Here too, the Lions have negotiated and agreement with ARC which is much more favorable to the Lions.

Along with the breakfast on the second Saturday of the month, we also assisted with parking for the Civil War Days celebration at the Mahon Ranch. It was a busy day.

We finished off a busy month with bar service for the Elk Grove Strauss Showcase event and parking for the Elk Grove Running of the Elk Event were we filled in for the Pride of Laguna Lions Club for on of their pancake breakfasts.

Thanks to the Lions who are always available to support the club and it’s activities. As usual, we supported our friends from the other organizations in our community in October.

Several members of our club attended the Citizen of the Year dinner on November 1st where our own Lion Jack Edwards and his wife Tracey were formally inducted as the 2020 Citizens of the year. It was a great celebration. To top it off, our own Troop 59 were on hand for the posting of the flags ceremony for this event.

The November meetings and the December meetings will be modified. The second Monday in November will be board meeting and the third Monday in November will be dinner meeting. In December, our board meeting will be on the first Monday and the Holiday Dinner will be on the 2nd Monday.

Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759


General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Albiani Recreation Center and Online Zoom Meeting

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM

Location: Albiani Recreation Center and Online Zoom Meeting

General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec)

Location: Albiani Recreation Center and Online Zoom Meeting


Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos & videos:
No activities and no photos at this time.

Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Lions Jack A Edwards, Rebecca Muegge, Jery Salamy, Sharon Mika & Jason Springer



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Lions Warren Weaver and Bob Shipley

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

November 15 – Don Thompson – Turkey
December 13 –  Christmas Holiday Dinner

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple

ELK GROVE LIONS CLUB                                                                         

Board Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2021

Call to order:  6:04      President: John Muegge


X President: John Muegge X Secretary: Jack Edwards
X 1st VP: Rebecca Muegge  X Bulletin Editor & PR: Jack Edwards
2nd VP: Vacant Tail Twister: Brad Dano
3rd VP: Vacant X Treasurer : Jason Springer
Lion Tamer: Bob Husted X 2-Year Director: Taka Blackburn
X 1-Year Director: Don Thompson X 2-Year Director: Marv Neill
1-Year Director: Sharon Mika X Membership Director: John Zehnder Jr.
X Immediate Past Pres: Taka Blackburn LCIF: Andy Anderson
Lion Bill Kirkland Lion
Lion Lion


Secretary Report (Stag) by Lion Jack: Minutes for September 2021 submitted to Lion Jack and all activities recorded in the Lions International

Motion to approve Board Minutes for September 2021 by Lion Taka second by Lion John Jr. Motion…Passed

Treasurer Report by Lion Treasurer Jason Springer:

Administrative: ….. $   6,265.76
Project: ……………… $ 33,808.89
Scouts: …………… $   3,000.99
Equipment: ……….. $   6,243.36
FFA: …………….….. $      202.04
Combined Amount: $ 43,255.28
Total ………………. $ 49,521.04

Correspondence:  Thank you note from Class of 1981 committee

Committee Updates

Membership-John Jr:    Greg Neill is working towards membership.

Adjourn Club Meeting & Open Foundation Meeting Elk Grove Lions Foundation at 6:09 pm

Old Business / Status Checks / Chairperson’s Report

  • EGHS Class of 1981Reunion — We received a $300 donation to our admin account.
  • Great Pumpkin Festival – We received an update report from Taka
  • Pancake Breakfast – We received an update report from Taka
  • Kitchen locking cabinet installation. Lion Don is still working on it.
  • Civil War Days Parking– We received an update report from Jack
  • Strauss Showcase(Bar Only) – We received an update report from Bill
  • Parking for Running of the Elk – We received an update report from Jack
  • Running of the Elk Pancake Breakfast – We received an update report from Jim

New Business:

  • Next “Regular” Meeting will be on Monday, October 25, 2021 Live at ARC
  • Schedule Student Speaker Contest — “How Can Kindness Reunite Our Country?”
  • The Elk Grove Food Bank will be asking for our assistance with traffic control on November 20th for Turkey Box Pick Up at the same location as last year, Creekside Christian Church. We will need about half a dozen Lions to assist. – Lion Jack
  • ARC Conex Shed – Lion Sharon.

          Motion                          Moved by:       Second      Approval    Chair

Approve new member Greg Neill to membership meeting Taka John Passed
Club to make a donation to a local charity from project funds equivalent to holiday dinner proceeds Taka Jason Passed

  Upcoming Activities and Approved Projects:                                               

              Event                    Date                     Location            Chairman

3rd Monday Board Meeting 10/18 at 6 pm Albiani Recreation Center Lion John
4th Monday Dinner Meeting 10/25 at 6 pm Albiani Recreation Center Lion John
Troop 59 Centennial Celebration 11/6-7 Elk Grove Youth Center Lion Bob S.
Traffic Control – Turkey Pick-up 11/20 at 7:00 am Creekside Church Lion Jack

Good of the Order:

Adjournment:    7:00  PM

Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: John Muegge

1st VP: Rebecca Muegge

2nd VP: Vacant

Secretary: Jack Edwards

Treasurer: Jason Springer

Tail Twister: Brad Dano

Lion Tamer: Bob Husted

1 Year Director – Don Thompson
1 Year Director – Sharon Mika
2 Year Director – Taka Blackburn
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Taka Blackburn
Public Relations: Jack Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

6:30 pm Meeting

Galt Place

400 D Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Logan’s Roadhouse

9105 West Stockton Blvd

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charles Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Anthony Dapelo
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Bill Heston Jr
Bob Husted Charlene
Charlene Husted Bob
Lynden King
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Vanita Kumari Harjeet
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Sharon Mika
Name Spouse
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Greg Neill
Marv Neill Annajean
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Stan Pochop Jr.
Dan Quiggle
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy
Bob Shipley Leann
Jason Springer Raelynn
Jeylon Strong
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Don Thompson Sue
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Jr. Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

Douglas X. Alexander

International President

Brooklyn, New York



District Governor Donna Prince
“Serving Together for the Greater Good”

District Governor

Donna Prince

1st Vice District Governor

Tim Luckinbill

2nd Vice District Governor

Zenny Yagen

Cabinet Secretary

Evelyn Butler
Cabinet Treasurer
Doug Wight

Sacramento Region Chair

Josephine Fong

Sutter Zone Chair

Jack Edwards

District Pride Editor


District Webmaster

Jack Edwards

October Stag 2021

© Elk Grove Lions Club

Volume 72 Issue # 4 October 2021

We Serve

President John Muegge

President’s Message

Join Us





Cooks List

Board Minutes

Contact Info

District Info

President’s Message UpArrowPurple

President John Muegge’s Message: 

September came in and left rather quickly as far as I am concerned. In all, it was a fairly uneventful month (pun intended).

We finished August off with the Shortline Lake Spaghetti Dinner and it was followed by the usual
Chicken and Tri-tip Dinner the next week. The events at Shortline are super nice. The lake is absolutely beautiful in the sunset, and you get to watch the slalom ski competition. Kudos to Lions Bill and Jason for cooking the tri-tip and chicken respectively. Bill brought in a monster $11,000 grill which even impressed all of the residents of Shortline Lake. We got quite a few compliments about the chicken and tri-tip. We have never had compliments like that before so that tri-tip and chicken dinner was very special. Thank you, Lion Sharon, for setting up this event and adding over $1200 to our administrative fund. Just don’t drive on anybody’s lawn.

Next, our Sutter Zone Chairman, Jack Edwards, arranged to have the new District 4-C5 Governor, Donna Prince, visit our club during our dinner meeting on September 6 th . We had a very nice visitation and look forward to aligning with the District goals for next year.

Albiani Center Grand opening was held on September 9 th at the Albiani Recreation Center. We were proud to have 7 Elk Grove Lions in attendance. Thank you Lions Taka, Anthony, Rebecca, Marv, Jack, and Warren for representing our club at this event. I was also in attendance.

Our next event was for parking at the Harvest of Hope Fundraising Dinner at the Sheldon Inn. The event proceeded smoothly and the charity auction at the event was a great success from what I heard.

Finally, our last event for the month was the Elk Grove Class of 1981 Reunion held at the Pavilion in Elk Grove Park. The Lions Club ran the bar at the event. Thank you, Lion Bill Kirkland, for arranging this event.

The October dinner meeting will be on the  27th. The board meeting will be on the 18th. We won’t have a 2nd Monday dinner because of the Columbus Day Holiday.

Join Us UpArrowPurple

Elk Grove Lions Club

P.O. Box 465

Elk Grove, CA. 95759


General Meeting: 6:00PM – 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Albiani Recreational Center and Online Zoom Meeting

Board Meetings: 3rd Monday @ 6:00PM

Location: Albiani Recreational Center and Online Zoom Meeting

General Meeting: 6:00PM – 4th Monday of the month (except Nov & Dec)

Location: Albiani Recreational Center and Online Zoom Meeting


Application for Membership

Lions are in 200 countries and geographic areas. We have 45,000 clubs with over 1.3 million members world wide. We have a dynamic history. We are best known for fighting blindness — it’s part of our history as well as our work today. But we also volunteer for many different kinds of projects including disaster relief — across many borders. We serve youth. Our community projects often support local children and schools with new programs and resources. Internationally, we offer many programs.

    • We hope you will consider joining our club.
    • To become a Lion, you must be of good moral character and good reputation in our community.
    • Membership is by invitation.
    • If you’re interested in being invited to join Lions Club of Elk Grove, you may want to consider some of the following facts about Lionism:
      • Lions are active.
      • Our motto is “We Serve.”
Calendar of Events UpArrowPurple
Club, District and Zone Highlites:

Activities & Photos UpArrowPurple
Check out the following photos & videos:
No activities and no photos at this time.

Announcements UpArrowPurple

Let’s reach out to our fellow members:

As many of you know, Lion Sterling has been in a care facility since his stroke. He would love to have some visits from his Lion friends. Call ahead to make sure he is not out on a field trip. He is at Emeritus of Laguna Creek, 6727 Laguna Park Drive, EG, CA. 95758 916-683-1881


As usual, we want to send out a special thank you to Dr. John J. Eliopulos, O.D. for all of his support with our efforts to continue to provide support to people with visual impairments. You can find Dr. Eliopulos’ office at 9074 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA 95624.

We also send our thanks out to Dr. Diana Holcomb, O.D. for her support of our mission to support people with visual impairments. You can find Crystal View Optometry at Dr. Diana Holcomb’s office at 8419 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624 just south of Calvine Road, next to the Bel Air Market.


Birthdays UpArrowPurple

Happy Birthday to Lions:

Lions Taka Blackburn, Bob Brewer & Andy Anderson.



Congratulations on another year of Service to the Lions Club:
Lions Bob Husted and Tom Anderson

Cooks List UpArrowPurple

September 13 – Bill Heston – Baked Chicken
September 27 – Anthony Dapelo

Board Minutes UpArrowPurple

                           ELK GROVE LIONS CLUB                                    

Board meeting minutes for Sept 20, 2021

Call to order by John Muegge at 6pm.


Bob Husted

John Zender

Don Thompson

Taka Blackburn

Marv Neill

Jason Springer

Anthony Depelo (acting as 3rd VP for this meeting)

John Muegge

Rebecca Muegge


Guest: Jim Entricin from the Elk Grove Historical Society

Minutes recorded by 1st VP Rebecca Muegge.

Taka made motion to approve secretary report from August Board from the Stag, Marv 2nd it and they were approved

Treasurer’s report was read by John Muegge

Reports from Committee chairmen:

Marv- Eyesight: Nothing

Sunshine: Bob Husted for Charlene – Nothing

Equipment: Don Thompson-

The freezer in the kitchen will be moved to the desk area.  This relocation with provide room for a new locking cabinet for the Elk Gove Lions club.  Don made a motion for $500 for a dry goods cabinet to be brought to place there.  This motion was 2nd by Jason and approved.

John Zender is processing with Marv the application of a new prospective member.

Adjoin meeting at 6:08 and open new meeting

Old business:

Taka made a report on Grand opening of ARC. He was proud that 7 EG Lions showed up-Taka, Anthony,

Rebecca, John, Marv, Jack, and Warren

Shortline report by John Muegge

Harvest of Hope report by Rebecca Muegge

Gov Visitation Meeting by Don

Taka brought up that we can have absolutely no alcohol at the meetings without a license for each meeting.

Bob Husted commented that he has all the liquor, beer and wine at his house that used to be for the dinner meeting. What should he do with it?

John Z has ordered packet for student speaker contest for Pleasant Grove, Elk Grove, and Sheldon High School students.

Anthony wants to chair the student poster contest and bring it to the elementary and middle schools that are feeders to Pleasant Grove, Elk Grove, and Sheldon high schools for their students.

New Business:

 Historical Society Civil War Days: Oct 9 and 10th.

Jim Entricin spoke to the board about the event and its needs. It is at the Mahon Ranch and they need  4 people for  parking for 2 shifts for Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday the shifts are 4 hours each and on Sunday the shifts are 3.5 hours each.  On Saturday the hours are 8-12 and 12- 4.  On Sunday the shifts are 8 – 11:30 and 11:30 – 3.  A shift gets the parker into the event which is has a cost of $10 for the general public and $8 for seniors, veterans, and students.  They supply vests and flags and the parker collects no money.

A motion was made by Taka and 2nd by Anthony to let any Lion who wants to volunteer for a shift.  The club will not guarantee any number of shifts.  We will give a count of the coverage to Jim on the Tuesday after the dinner meeting. Note we must wear their vests and not ours. Rebecca will send an email to Jim to tell him what is happening.

Great Pumpkin Festival:

Taka spoke about Rebecca asking for clarification of the number of hours and shifts needed by time and parking lot. The needs were stated to be 81 hours over two days in four lots.  (VIP, Staff, Gate 5 and  Bike Valet lots)  Since our needs for the ARC room and the Pavilion have been reduced due to Covid Taka will try to negotiate out two of the lots and reduce the manhours to 48. (He wants to have us not take Gate 5 or the Bike Valet).

Taka reminded the board that the Troop 59 Centennial is coming on Nov 6th and 7th.  The chairperson is Bob Shipley.

Adjoin at 7:02pm  by John Muegge


Club Contact Info UpArrowPurple

The organizational structure for our Lions Club is as follows: Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 4, District 4C5, Sacramento Region, Sutter Zone, Elk Grove Lions Club.

This newsletter is produced each month by the Stag Editor, Lion Jack Edwards. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 916-240-9302:

Elk Grove Lions Club P.O. Box 465 Elk Grove, CA 95759

President: John Muegge

1st VP: Rebecca Muegge

2nd VP: Vacant

Secretary: Jack Edwards

Treasurer: Jason Springer

Tail Twister: Brad Dano

Lion Tamer: Bob Husted

1 Year Director – Don Thompson
1 Year Director – Sharon Mika
2 Year Director – Taka Blackburn
2 Year Director – Marv Neill
Membership: John Zehnder, Jr.
Past Pres: Taka Blackburn
Public Relations: Jack Edwards
Stag Editor: Jack Edwards
LCIF Coordinator: Andy Anderson

Make-up Clubs

Delta Lions Club

2nd Thursdays, 7 am

Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course

8301 Freeport Blvd.


Galt Lions Club

2 & 4 Thursdays

6:00 pm Social

6:30 pm Meeting

Galt Place

400 D Street, Galt

Pride of Laguna

2 & 4 Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Logan’s Roadhouse

9105 West Stockton Blvd

Elk Grove, CA

Club Roster with Phone Numbers & Email Addresses
was Emailed to Each Member
Name Spouse
Andy Anderson
Tom Anderson Ashley
Taka Blackburn Valerie
Bob Brewer Cheryl
Charles Brummer
Brad Dano Teresa
Anthony Dapelo
Jack Edwards Tracey
Randy Feist Barbara
Bill Heston Jr
Bob Husted Charlene
Charlene Husted Bob
Lynden King
Bill Kirkland Jr Dusty
Harjeet Kumar Vanita
Vanita Kumari Harjeet
Kirk Marchetti Robin
Sharon Mika
Name Spouse
John Muegge Rebecca
Rebecca Muegge John
Marv Neill Annajean
Agustin Palacios
Dan Pearsen Shelli
Shelli Pearsen Dan
Stan Pochop Jr.
Dan Quiggle
Teresa Rodriguez
Jerry Salamy
Bob Shipley Leann
Jason Springer Raelynn
Jeylon Strong
Jim Switzgable Debbie
Don Thompson Sue
Bob Turner Alice
Warren Weaver Patricia
Dennis Weiss Diane
John Zehnder Jr. Linda
District Contact Info UpArrowPurple

Douglas X. Alexander

International President

Brooklyn, New York



District Governor Donna Prince
“Serving Together for the Greater Good”

District Governor

Donna Prince

1st Vice District Governor

Tim Luckinbill

2nd Vice District Governor

Zenny Yagen

Cabinet Secretary

Evelyn Butler
Cabinet Treasurer
Doug Wight

Sacramento Region Chair

Josephine Fong

Sutter Zone Chair

Jack Edwards

District Pride Editor


District Webmaster

Jack Edwards