Community Support

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The Elk Grove Lions Club is here to help you with your fundraiser.

For example, we are able to provide the labor and staff to do a pancake breakfast or a spaghetti feed for your organization.

We can also assist your organization by managing the bar at your event. If we are going to handle the bar for your event, you will be required to reimburse the club for the cost of liability insurance, the ABC liquor serving permit, and the costs for the alcohol served.

Of course, you should ask yourself if your organization supports the Lions Club at their fundraising events. With our limited time and resoures, we generally only support organizations who support the lions.

To provide that assistance, we need you to complete a request form and submit it to the Lions Club at least 2-3 months before the event. We have only one board meeting each month, on the 3rd Monday of the month, and that is the time that we review such requests.  Since we receive many requests for assistance, the earlier you make your request the more likely that we will be able to support your fundraiser.

It is in your best interest to check our calendar to see if we are already occupied with a Lions Club event on the day you want to have your event. We may not be able to manage both events, so you may be better served in selecting a date that does not already conflict with our events.

If you personally know an Elk Grove Lion, you may want to ask that Lion if he or she will be the contact person on your request.

Fill out the form, (Click Here to Get The Form) and send it to the club so that we receive it before a board meeting. You can also email the club secretary to ask to be placed on the board meeting agenda so that you can tell us why we should assist you with your event. Email: Click Here To Email The Club Secretary. If that link does not work for you, go to our Contact Us page for more info.